Abduction at Medicine Bow National Park
This very interesting case took place in Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. On October 25, 1974, one Carl Higdon was elk hunting in the northern section of the park.
As he shot his rifle at an elk nearby, a most bizarre thing happened. The bullet traveled in slow motion, as if he had entered another dimension.
It fell some 50 feet away, dropping into the snow covered landscape. He was able to recover the bullet. He felt a strange sensation over his body.
To his utter shock and amazement, he saw a humanoid entity standing nearby. The humanoid was quite tall, at over six feet in height. He was clad in a black jump suit with a wide belt.
The belt was decorated with a six-pointed star and emblem of yellow. With straight hair standing out from his head, he had no eyebrows. He stood bow-legged, with long arms ending with rod-like appendages instead of hands.
The humanoid spoke to Higdon, asking him if he was hungry. The entity threw some pills to him, telling him if he took one, he would not have to eat for 4 days. Higdon normally did not take any type of pills, yet he swallowed one of the offerings immediately.
It was surmised that the entity was smart enough to realize that Higdon may have been hungry, or else he would not have been hunting elk.
Soon, the alien pointed toward Higdon, and the next thing he knew, he was enclosed within a transparent apparatus, with a helmet on. Also present were two more humanoids, and the five elk he was previously stalking.
The elk were in a frozen state.
He was told that the aliens were traveling to their home planet, located some 163,000 light years away. In a flash, they arrived at the distant location.
Higdon described the surrounding landscape as being occupied with buildings like the Seattle space needle, all lit up by a sun of intense power. The brightness of the atmosphere caused Higdon’s eyes to water, along with the aliens’. Higdon’s next remembrance was being back in Medicine Bow Park.
He says that approximately 2 1/2 hours had elapsed since his encounter with the humanoid had begun.
He was in a hysterical state, cold, and disoriented. For a time, he could not locate his truck, finally finding it some three miles from where he had left it. It had been stuck in a mud hole, and Higdon was unable to free it from the bog by himself. Using his CB radio, he summoned help from the local sheriff, who arrived at midnight.
Additional help arrived to free the stuck truck.
Hidgon was found in a state of panic and nervous exhaustion. He was shouting, “They took my elk!” He was taken for medical care to a local hospital. His blood work showed he had a highly elevated level of vitamins, probably from the pill he had taken.
The most fascinating aspect of his tests was that tuberculosis scars on his lungs were now gone!
Further investigation into the details surrounding the bizarre encounter revealed that Higdon’s wife, along with two other people, had seen a red-green-white flashing light moving in the area of the sighting.
The case was investigated by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming. Also included were Rick Kenyon, and Robert Nantkes, MUFON field investigators, and Frank Bourke, National Star Investigator.
(B J Booth)