9 Foot Tall Extraterrestrial Spotted On NASA Space Mission
It seems to be a rare thing these days to come across a person who isn’t at least open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life existing somewhere in the universe (or if you prefer, multiverse).
In fact, the general consensus within the mainstream scientific community is that we are assuredly not alone; as the Director of Operations for Bigelow Aerospace, Mike Gold, puts it, the universe is most probably “teeming with intelligent extraterrestrial life.” (source)
Indeed, not long ago, top U.S astronomers recently testified in front of U.S. congress expressing the same belief.
Furthermore, we have a number of scientists, astronomers, astronauts, high ranking military/political personnel, and academicians trying to tell the world that we are not alone, that we never have been, and that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been and is currently visiting our planet and interacting with the human species.
It can seem unbelievable, but it’s a serious topic with tremendous implications, but that’s another topic.
“Yes, it’s both. [ET contact is] both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, or, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack, Harvard Psychologist (source) Dr. Theodore C. Loder III, Professor Emeritus of Earth Science at the University of New Hampshire, is a great example; he has been telling the world that intelligent beings from other star systems have and are visiting our planet Earth. (source)
Dr. Jack Kasher, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Nebraska, has been quoted as saying:
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” (source) Roscoe Hillenkoetter, former head of the CIA, is one out of hundreds of examples that come from personnel within the Department of Defence making the same claims. He was quoted as saying:
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” (source) When thousands upon thousands of declassified UFO documents from dozens of governments are added to the equation, it’s not hard to see why so many people in ‘high’ places are starting to speak out. Even those within the government are voicing their concern.
John Podesta, for example — former White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Barack Obama’s right hand man (councillor), and the current head of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign — has been quoted as saying:
I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth.
The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.
(Taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward.)
You can read more about Podesta and UFOs here and here.
Any time an article about UFOs is being written, it should be clear that this is a serious issue that has been receiving a lot of attention (for decades) by some very serious people and defence intelligence agencies.
I apologize if you have already come across this information in some of my previous articles, but there are still many people out there who will read this not knowing that a ‘ufo/extraterrestrial issue,’ for lack of a better term, even exists.
For more information, quotes, and documents that pertain to this phenomenon, you can read these two heavily sourced articles:
NASA is Preparing the World for Extraterrestrial Contact This is What Happens When a “UFO” is Tracked on Military Radar
The Case Of The 9 Foot Tall Extraterrestrial
To the left you will see a picture of Clark C. McClelland, a former ScO of the Space Shuttle Fleet who claims he personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall extraterrestrial (ET) on his monitor while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC).
He claims that the ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with two tethered US NASA Astronauts.
He also claims to have observed (on his monitors) the spacecraft of the ET as it was stabilized safely in orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.
He claims he was part of hundreds of missions for NASA.
On his website he writes:
“How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot. Almost like giving instructions! I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as our two NASA Astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward.
“It had a small, perhaps a communication device, attached only to the right side of the helmet! I saw no oxygen tank(s). It had a wide belt like wrapping around it. It did not appear to be tethered as the two Astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure.
“I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds, I timed it on my Astronaut chronograph watch.” (source) Below is an illustration of what he (supposedly) saw:
The Credibility Of Clark Mclelland
Well, to start off, the photo above and the ones below lend a great deal of credibility to his claim that he worked for NASA. Below to the right is a picture of McClelland with Judy Resnick, America’s second female astronaut, who died in 1986 when her Challenger space shuttle broke apart 73 seconds into flight.
To see a picture of what Clark looks like today, you can click here. You can also hear a radio interview with Clark telling his story here.
On the left (from left to right) is a picture of David Leetsma (NASA Astronaut), with McLelland in the middle and Brian Duffy on the right.
Others have also vouched for Clark, including Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading experts in the field of UFO research; he talks about Clark in this radio interview.
Apparently, Clark’s identity has also been verified by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, in a radio interview that took place with Ross Hemsworth in 2009, but I have been unable to find the source to verify these claims.
His work for NASA cannot seem to be ‘officially verified,’ which is strange. But again, the pictures, and those who have vouched for him, make this an interesting story. He claims that the U.S. government stripped him of his pension and his identity as a NASA employee after he spoke out about what he saw.
Probably the most important factor (other than the pictures, which clearly look like him) is the number of astronauts (with verified backgrounds that cannot be disputed) who have made comments about intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.
Below are a few of many examples, the first two come from Dr. Mitchell (as mentioned above):
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone and they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) “I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by our governments for quite a long time.” (source) This one comes from former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor, Dr. Brian O’Leary:
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time, that their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic western point of view, that these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” (source) This one comes from Gordon Cooper, Former Nasa astronaut, aeronautical engineer, and test pilot. He was one of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States:
“In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public if they knew that someone had vehicles that had this kind of performance… so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to cover another lie, you know, tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it.
“Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told a lot of untruths…. [and that] there are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.” (source) These are a few out of many examples of statements made by former NASA personnel, with verified backgrounds, that make Mcclelland’s story seem more believable.
Adding further fuel to the fire are thousands of photos from the Lunar missions have been kept from the public eye.
The Russian government recently raised concerns about this, calling for an international investigation into why so much film footage and so many artifacts (lunar rock) and photos have gone missing. Perhaps this is why NASA recently released thousands of never-seen-before images from the Apollo missions?
Other people who have been involved with NASA are also speaking out. For example, Dr. John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist who was the deputy manager of the Clementine Mission to the moon (the mission that discovered water at the moon’s poles in 1994), has said that we are not alone, and that the mission was really a photo reconnaissance operation to find out what “someone else” was building on the moon.
Again, the list of reasons as to why Mr. McClelland’s story is worth sharing is endless, regardless if you think his story is real or not.
By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution