Tagged: mind and brain

Do All People Have Same Near-Death-Experiences?

We do not know what really happens after death. Afterlife is a subject that has fascinated ancient civilizations for ages and modern scientists are also curious . Most of us would like to know whether death is the end or a beginning of something entirely...

Dark Chocolate Improves Memory, Vision And Sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of dark chocolate! Here is a bit of good news for chocolate lovers. Studies show that chocolate improves memory, vision and sleep. A daily intake of cocoa flavanols boost your cognitive performance in remarkable ways. The cocoa bean is a rich...

Funny People Have Higher IQ – Science Reveals

Are you one of those people who can make others laugh easily? If so, it’s very possible your sense of humor is a sign you’ve got higher IQ than most. This doesn’t mean that the rest of should go and behave like clowns, but scientists...

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