Secret societies and Reptiloids


Bilderberg Group

It’s a secret society so hidden that even most conspiracy theorists don’t know about it.


When it comes to membership in a historic secret society, the Bilderberg Group has an undeniable appeal. The Bilderberg Group’s membership roster includes some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people, a coalition of men and women who meet once a year to discuss the biggest issues facing the planet. Formed in 1954 to encourage collaboration between North American and European political leaders, economic experts, and influential figures in industry, academia, and the media, the Bilderberg Group was kept secret for more than half a century.

But what is the real agenda of the Bilderberg Group? The secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group has led to countless conspiracy theories about who its members are, what they intend to do, and whether they can be trusted. Are they a group of well-intentioned, well-informed elites, or are they really part of a larger Illuminati conspiracy to take over the world? No one knows for sure, but here are some of the most outrageous facts and theories about the role they play every day without you even realizing it.

They were accused of controlling the US Republican Party

Lawyer and conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, who actively opposed the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, saw the Bilderberg Group as one of the forces working against the interests of a truly conservative agenda around the world.

In her 1964 pamphlet, Elections Not Echoes: The Inside Story of How American Presidents Are Elected, Schlafly lamented her conservatism, blaming the decline of the Republican Party on “the ‘secret kings,’ the ‘Rockefeller Republicans,’ and the Bilderberg globalists who plotted to control the party in order to advance social and economic liberalism.” Her idea that the Bilderberg Group was made up of men who controlled the leaders of the nation quickly caught on.

Founding members had Nazi ties

At least two of the four founders of the Bilderberg Group – Denis Healy, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands – had long-standing conspiracy theorist ties to the Nazi party.

David Rockefeller, heir to the Rockefeller billionaire fortune, was an American banker and philanthropist who could not escape his family’s ties to the Nazi Party. According to scholars, the Rockefeller Foundation played a major role in funding the Nazi eugenics program, as well as eugenics research in the United States. The Foundation is also believed to have “funded the program in which Josef Mengele worked before he was sent to Auschwitz.”

Despite showing active resistance to the Nazis after their invasion of the Netherlands in 1940, Prince Bernhard was a member of Adolf Hitler’s Brownshirts in 1933 and joined the Schutzstaffel, the Nazi paramilitary group, in 1934. He left the Nazi Party in late 1934 or 1935 – although he later swore he had never actually been a member – but his controversial past only added to the Bilderberg Group’s mystique.

They were accused of trying to create a Global Government

Rockefeller said at a UN meeting and later at the Bilderberg party, I want to thank the MSM and their political friends for helping the New World Order, without them we would never have gotten this far. If you still have doubts about the high income of these gangs?!

— новый мировой порядок (@wmeijer4) 7 May 2018

One of the most common concerns with the Bilderberg Group is that they are attempting to create a system of government – or what they already have – that controls political decisions and policies around the world. Since so many notable, wealthy and powerful people have been involved with the Bilderberg Group, the notion that money rules the world fuels speculators’ minds about the amount of power the Group wields. It also fuels speculation as to what the Group’s goals really are: money or a potential quest for world domination?

From an outsider’s perspective, the Bilderberg Group appears to want to implement NAFTA on the global stage, establish some kind of world legal order, and use the United Nations to tax everyone on the planet. In truth, the Bilderberg Group’s agenda, according to some sources, is to solve the world’s problems, so their influence on governments and global politics is open to interpretation. Getting millionaires and billionairesses into a room to discuss problems isn’t the same as doing anything about them, but it can be a springboard for further action.

Serbs Blame Group for Kosovo War

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, ethnic divisions in the Balkans led to the creation of seven sovereign states. Serbian nationalist politician Slobodan Milosevic established a power base in the region in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As he worked to suppress ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (not to mention Muslim Bosniaks and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina), war broke out between the various ethnic groups.

By 1996, aggression from Milosevic’s Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (an independent republic comprising Serbia and Montenegro) led to the emergence of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), leading to increasingly violent conflicts between Serbs and Kosovo residents. Fighting between Kosovo and Serbia escalated over the next three years, and was only stopped by the intervention of the United Nations.

How does all this relate to the Bilderberg Group? According to some conspiracy theorists, the entire conflict between Serbia and Kosovo was engineered by the Group to start a war in the Balkans and trap Milosevic into committing war atrocities. Proponents of this theory claim that the Group fueled ethnic tensions in the region and funded the KLA.

Bilderberg Group May Have Influenced Iran to Join Russia and China

A post shared by Samir Dattopadhye (@samirdattopadhye) on Nov 5, 2017 at 2:11pm PDT

In the view of some outsiders, Bilderberg has gone too far, and the world is reacting. The lack of trust in the European Union is one symptom of Bilderberg’s broader plan to unite North America and Europe. The group’s ties to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which was outspoken in its opposition to Russia’s treatment of Ukraine in 2014, led to Russia allying itself with China and Iran in retaliation. That, in turn, led to a security agreement between the three countries, the possibility of a Russia-China oil pipeline, and, ultimately, if international pressure is strong enough, the group’s acquiescence to Iran in the interests of ending the “Eurasian anti-Western alliance.”

Bilderberg Group Accused of Spreading Diseases to Reduce World Population

A post shared on Thought and Conduct Podcast (@thoughtandconductpodcast) on Feb 1, 2018 at 8:52pm PDT

Because of the Bilderberg Group’s alleged ties to the Nazis, eugenics, and even Chinese Communism, it has long been believed that one of their goals is to reduce the world’s population by any means necessary. Alex Jones of InfoWars fame has accused Bilderberg member Bill Gates of spreading “vaccines” that actually prevent women from carrying viable pregnancies, while writer Brad Olson has accused the Bilderberg Group of developing diseases like AIDS and Ebola that kill massive numbers of people. If there were far fewer people on the planet, the Bilderberg Group would certainly have an easier time establishing their New World Order.

Their Secrecy Has Led to Theories That They Are Part of the Illuminati

The Illuminati, perhaps the most popular conspiracy group in the world, is believed to be directly linked to the Bilderberg Group. One segment of the Illuminati also believes that the world is run by human-reptilian hybrids, which lends credence to these theories when it comes to the Bilderberg Group, but the secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group is enough to evoke associations with the famous cabal.

The locations of Bilderberg Group meetings are public, but the conversations that take place between members are as strictly confidential as the participants themselves. The group operates under the Chatham House Rule, meaning “members are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.” The Bilderberg Group publishes the names of known participants, but there is no guarantee that they reveal everyone present.

Rules Clearly define who can and cannot attend meetings

When it comes to the Bilderberg Group meetings themselves, there are more rules than just the Chatham House rule about identities and privacy. During their annual meeting: “Invited guests must come alone; no wives, girlfriends, husbands, or boyfriends. Personal assistants (meaning security, bodyguards, CIA or other secret service personnel) may not attend the conference and must eat in a separate room. (Also) Guests are strictly forbidden from giving interviews to journalists” or divulging anything that happens at the meetings. Host governments provide general security to keep out outsiders.”

When the group met in Chantilly, Virginia, in 2017, the Westfields Marriott Hotel was closed and trees and other shrubbery were planted to protect the event. In 2015, when the group met in Austria, security was just as tight, but that didn’t stop protesters from making their presence known, as happens every year.

Less than 25% of Participants Are Women

Over its half-century of existence, the Bilderberg Group has invited prominent men and women from around the world to attend its meetings, with about one-third of those attending being political leaders. The rest are “from industry, finance, academia, labour and communications”, but overall, only about 25% of the most recent list of participants were women. The group did not begin inviting women to join until the early 1970s, and even then many male participants resisted. Women such as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice have attended in the past, but overall they remain significantly outnumbered.

However, Margaret Thatcher’s presence led to widespread speculation that it was the end of her in British politics. After appearing at a meeting in 1975, “the Bilderberg boys said they had to get rid of her, so they replaced her with a trapeze artist [John Major’s father worked in the circus] from the same party.” Other sources indicate that Henry Kissinger immediately approached Thatcher.

Terrorists Accuse Group of Global Interference

The Bilderberg Group has been called a “terrorist organization,” but terrorist organizations also use it to justify their actions. Some of the deadliest terrorist attacks have been carried out by people who believed in the power and conspiracy of the Bilderberg Group, including “Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, London suicide bomber David Copeland, and Osama Bin Laden.” By accusing the Bilderberg Group of manipulating national governments in the interests of a New World Order and a global empire, these people have found a justification – or perhaps a scapegoat – for their actions.

Some People Think the Group Is Led by Lizard-Man Hybrids (Reptilians)

According to British author, former professional athlete, and professional conspiracy theorist David Icke, the Bilderberg Group is made up of men and women who are actually reptiles in disguise. These humanoid reptilians are the “embodiment of evil” and dominate the elite classes of society. As the heads of the Bilderberg Group, they are in the perfect position to rule the world and quite possibly destroy the human race.

To be fair, the idea of ​​reptilian people isn’t something Icke came up with on his own, but he does include many theories about them on his website.

Skeptics Think the Group Has Too Much Ego to Get Anything Done

When you look at the list of Bilderberg members and consider that they have three to four days to discuss 15 to 20 major topics, it’s hard to believe they’ll get much done. According to security analyst Gary Schmitt, with “everyone’s commitment to 20 seconds of deep thinking, what ends up happening is a bit of a schmoozing without much to show for it.”

The meeting is meant to be an open forum for the exchange of ideas, and the participants probably enjoy their status and the audience, but as Schmitt puts it, “nothing comes of it.” Even the participants themselves don’t think they have much to be proud of, whether they actually have control over the world’s problems or not. In 2005, Bilderberg Group chairman Viscount Etienne Davignon told the media: “When people say this is the secret government of the world, I say that if we were the secret government of the world, we would be ashamed of ourselves.”

Puppeteers: 7 Secret Organizations That Rule the World


Conspiracy theories and secret societies have been fascinated by people for centuries. Just imagine: mysterious unions that were both religious and secular, with limited membership. Only select individuals could join them. A little about secret societies Such societies could exert strong control over the entire world. In addition, they had their own strange rituals and great wealth, the origin of which remains unknown. Even today, there are organizations that control the world, making it work the way it does. So let’s dive a little into the world of conspiracies and recall the most famous organizations that have often been accused of possessing the secrets of the world.

It is the Masons who are most often suspected of exerting a strong influence on world politics. It is believed that there is practically no event behind which the shadow of the Masonic brothers would not be hidden. The society of Freemasons was founded only in 1717. However, there is an opinion that they originate from a much more ancient time – from the heyday of the Templars. The structure of the society is quite complex: the order is divided into lodges, and each of them has its own rules. One of the most striking differences is that some lodges accepted women, while in others it was strictly forbidden.

This society still exists. It is believed that at present there are about 4 million people among its members. These are very prominent personalities: political leaders, the richest entrepreneurs. In history, you can also find many influential Masons. For example, the Founding Fathers of America were also members of the lodge. The Masonic order is surrounded by a huge number of myths and legends, so it is difficult to say which of them are true and which are pure fiction. Now the main activity of the lodges is charity: each member upon joining must donate funds that will be spent on good deeds. One of the mandatory requirements for becoming a Mason is faith in God. Atheists are not allowed into this order at all. However, they do not differentiate between religions.

This secret organization was created by two influential people. They were the American diplomat Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. People who are interested in conspiracy theories are of the opinion that this group is the secret world government. This group was founded in 1954. The first meeting was held at the Bilderberg Hotel, which gave it its name. There are 130 members in this club, although the number may vary. It includes political leaders (even presidents), diplomats, leading entrepreneurs and bankers. Over the years, Margaret Thatcher, Hilary Clinton, Emmanuel Macron and many other famous people who have a strong influence on the country’s policy could be seen at the meetings. However, there are only 5 permanent members, among them the founder Henry Kissinger.

Trilateral Commission

It is known that David Rockefeller participated in the creation of another secret society, namely the Trilateral Commission. It was founded in 1973 and united three zones: North America, Asia and Western Europe. Its main feature is that it is not directly connected with government administrations. Conspiracy theorists believe that the goal of this group is to make America a world leader, strengthening its hegemony. However, according to official information, they create an opportunity for dialogue between the most powerful world powers. Currently, the society has 390 members, who annually publish reports of their meetings for public review. So it cannot be called completely secret.


Russians know the Illuminati better from the novel “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown. However, in reality, this order is one of the oldest in the world. The enlightened were accused of trying to take over the world back in 1797. And also of organizing the French Revolution, trying to destroy Christianity.

This society fully justifies the word “secret”. It is not even known for certain whether they still exist or whether the society was really abolished back in 1787. There is even a theory that the founding fathers were not only Masons, but also Illuminati, since in America there are many images of the order’s symbol – the All-Seeing Eye. Henry Kissinger, John Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski are now considered members of this order.

Skull and Bones

In 1832, a secret society called Skull and Bones was organized at Yale University, which is part of the Ivy League. William Russell is considered to be its founder, although this is not known for certain.

Only representatives of the American aristocracy can join this society. It was they who chose the image of a human skull and bones as their coat of arms, and the number 322 underneath. It represents the year of death of Demosthenes, who is considered the progenitor of the order.

The headquarters of the society is located on the campus of Yale University in a room called the tomb. All members continue to work closely together after graduation throughout their lives. Now it is believed that the Skull and Bones fraternity includes representatives of the most influential families in the country, who are heirs to political positions or future managers of large companies. Former US President George Bush considered himself a member of the society, but he himself stated that even he could not reveal the secrets of the fraternity.

Bohemian Club

The society was founded in 1872 and brought together creative people. Among the members were musicians, artists and journalists. Their meeting place was a private club in the Bohemian Grove in San Francisco. However, over time, prominent politicians and presidents began to appear among the members. For example, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were among them.

Today, this society continues to exist and enjoy great influence. Only its members can come to the club, although sometimes guests are invited here. People have to overcome many obstacles to become a member. The club’s Charter explicitly states that all deals and problems must be left outside the door, but it is well known that world problems were also solved here. For example, it was here that the Manhattan Project was discussed, which led to the creation of the first atomic bomb.

Illuminati, Freemasons and the Committee of 300: What is hidden in the conspiracy of the secret world government


What if everything is ruled by a secret world government that creates epidemics, wars, environmental and man-made disasters, and decides the fate of the world and each individual? According to conspiracy theorists, this is exactly how it is. These puppeteers can allegedly influence financial markets and global public institutions. They completely control the planet. Read more in our material.


  • Commonality of all conspiracy theories of world elites
  • Primary sources of the theory
  • Freemasonry
  • Illuminati
  • Conspiracy of a secret government as a way to fight for political power
  • Conspiracy theories about creating diseases to control the Earth’s population
  • Digital currency as a way of financial enslavement of the population
  • Conclusions

Commonalities among all the conspiracy theories of the world elites

There are different variations of the conspiracy theory of the world elites, but if you look closely, they are all very similar. For example, in each of them there are the following elements:

  • The basis of the theory is that in reality all power is concentrated in the hands of a few people who decide the fate of the planet;
  • A group of people has a secret plan, which contains a strategy for enslaving or destroying humanity;
  • The world government strives to reduce the population of the earth in various ways (the idea of ​​​​the “golden billion” and the like);
  • The secret government organizes financial crises, wars and man-made disasters in its own interests;
  • Those in power strive to destroy the middle class, since only the rich and only the poor should remain;
  • This government exists in the shadows: its members gather in secret and semi-closed meetings, everything is kept in the strictest confidence. At the same time, people “know” about this secret, but there is no confirmed information.

Theory’s Origins

Rumors and myths that the entire world is allegedly secretly ruled by a shadow group of people, as well as the belief in a pseudoscientific explanation of reality, have been around for a long time. Historians have not yet come to a consensus on where that starting point begins, but the theory gained particular popularity at the end of the 20th century, when conspiracy theories were in great demand in the United States, ceasing to be just a marginal movement.

It was at the end of the 20th century, in 1992, that the infamous book by American publicist John Coleman, “The Committee of 300,” was published. The author calls himself a former employee of the British intelligence services, but there is no confirmed data on his professional affiliation. In his opus, Coleman claims that during his alleged service in the intelligence agencies, he conducted research and came to the conclusion that the fate of the world is determined by an organization called the “Committee of 300,” which includes representatives of the elite of Great Britain and the United States. The Committee appeared around 1727, and it seeks to create a One World Government. According to Coleman, by 2050 the committee will have achieved its goal: the borders between states will be erased, all resources will be managed by the “Committee”, which will periodically create an artificial food deficit to show people the extent of their vulnerability. Through epidemics and wars, such a shadow government will destroy 4 billion people. Thus, the “optimal” population for “easy” management will be achieved – 1 billion.

It should be noted that the author in his work collected conspiracy theories that were popular before, supplementing them with fiction. Book by J. Coleman


A large number of conspiracy theories are concentrated around this society. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of information about them. And the more facts, the better for any conspiracy theory.

According to the supporters of this conspiracy theory, the Freemasons secretly rule the world, worship the devil, are financed by aliens, cooperate with reptilians, are the organizers of revolutions and unrest in various countries, and also arrange major tragedies and disasters: for example, it is the Freemasons who are guilty of the sinking of the Titanic and the spread of coronavirus.

However, the thesis that the Masonic lodge controls the entire world is refuted by a significant fact – the Freemasons have always had several large independent centers. They communicate with each other, exchange information and ideas, but there is no one main lodge “for the whole world”.

Masonic symbols


It is believed that the Illuminati appeared later than the Freemasons. This society declared itself in the 18th century in Bavaria, founded by law professor, philosopher Adam Weishaupt. The name comes from the Latin illuminatus (“revealed” or “enlightened”), the symbol of the Illuminati is an owl as a sign of the supremacy of reason and wisdom. And although the community was in tune with the spirit of the times, calling for listening to reason, suspicions began to arise due to the secrecy and inaccessibility of the society for joining. Because of this, the Illuminati were considered puppeteers who possessed secret power.

They have been accused of everything. This includes organizing the Great French Revolution in the 18th century, and the assassination of John Kennedy and Princess Diana, and “staging” the landing of a man on the moon, as well as the “creation” and spread of AIDS. Moreover, according to conspiracy theorists, they also broadcast their ideas in films, cartoons and music. Thus, the artist and director Walt Disney was accused of being a member of a secret society and encrypting secret occult messages in his cartoons in order to influence immature minds. According to conspiracy theorists, many representatives of show business are Illuminati: rapper Eminem, singers Adele, J. Lo and Beyoncé, performer Justin Bieber, actress Angelina Jolie. Allegedly, the stars have such popularity and attractiveness only because they “made a deal with the dark forces” by joining the Illuminati order. And this is evidenced by the mark on the left eye, which conspiracy theorists call the mark of the devil. Allegedly, it means that the adept began to use adrenochrome. But in fact, the “mark of the devil” turns out to be a prosaic bruise or makeup for a film.

It seems that conspiracy theorists only need to watch a video of a famous artist to immediately find the corresponding references. For example, in one of Justin Bieber’s 2015 videos for the song Where Are Ü Now, they found a dedication to the Antichrist, symbols of the Illuminati and Masons, as well as a prophecy about the coronavirus pandemic.

Secret Government Conspiracy as a Way to Fight for Political Power

World government conspiracy theories can also be a way to discredit an opponent. The losing side in a political struggle can claim that it was defeated due to intrigue and “collusion.” For example, on January 6, 2021, largely inspired by the idea that the true reason for Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 US presidential election was a conspiracy between security forces and elite state clans, radical Trumpists stormed the Capitol building, where members of both chambers were officially approving the results of the presidential election on November 3.

A crowd of protesters outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Conspiracy theories about creating diseases to control the Earth’s population

The narrative that the world’s puppeteers are trying to control the planet’s population by any means possible takes different forms. One of them is that epidemics and some diseases are supposedly created artificially in order to mow down “extra” people.

For example, a number of conspiracy theorists are sure that HIV is a disease “invented” by the government, aimed at killing the population with the help of antiretroviral therapy. Despite the obvious surrealism of the theory, it is a real danger. The thesis about the “invention” of HIV by the world government is actively used by HIV dissidents. As a result, they neglect treatment and broadcast ideas about a conspiracy of pharmaceutical corporations. From their point of view, they are being forced to undergo unnecessary and expensive treatment.

Theses of HIV dissidence supporters

Also, according to conspiracy theorists, the backstage “created” the coronavirus in order to destroy the “excess” population. At the same time, as they are sure, it is not the Covid-19 virus that kills, but the vaccine that is being introduced to counteract this virus. Allegedly, 7 billion people on Earth need to be vaccinated in order to leave only the “golden billion” of the population. After that, a real vaccine will be created that will really work, and then – “the redrawing of the world map”.

Digital currency as a way to financially enslave the population

In 2023, the news about the introduction of the digital ruble in Russia gave rise to a series of conspiracy theories. Versions began to actively appear that the new form of currency is needed for total control over the population, because the state will forcibly transfer everyone to the digital ruble, and in the future, at any time, it will be able to block the digital account of a citizen of the Russian Federation. And then, a single digital currency will allegedly be created throughout the world to make it easier to exercise control over people.


Theories about the shadow government are attractive due to their mysticism and help create action-packed stories for books, films, animated series, comics and games. Often, such works become popular with the public due to their unusualness. For example, it is no coincidence that one of the most popular anime series is One Piece, where the hero with incredible abilities Luffy from a small coastal village in the world of One Piece goes in search of a mysterious treasure hidden by the King of Pirates. On his journey, the character encounters the Marines – the main force of the World Government, which controls the entire fictional universe of One Piece.

But, despite the fact that conspiracy theories become “inspiration” for creativity, they carry a great social danger. They generate distrust of the world, a tendency to deny objective facts, can indirectly harm life and health if treatment is refused, and, of course, provoke violence and unrest. Moreover, the belief that something behind the scenes is to blame for everything distorts the picture of perception and makes a person irresponsible about his own life.

The Illuminati’s Plan for World War III and the New World Order…


Given the current political situation in the world and the approaching Third World War, it is time to point to a historical document dating back to 1871. This correspondence between two leading high level Masons of the 19th century outlines a Satanic plan to establish a New World Order.

Occultist and Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of North America Albert Pike described these intentions in a letter to his friend, the Italian politician and Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini. Albert Pike (1809-1891) remained Supreme Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite until his death. In 1871 he published his most important work entitled Morals and Dogmas of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which has remained in many editions to this day and from which I will quote here. Pike was responsible for developing many of the rituals for his order, thereby ensuring its expansion throughout the 19th century. To this day, members of the order consider him to be one of the most influential Freemasons. Giuseppe Mazzini was a nationalist and revolutionary. Author William R. Denslow describes Mazzini as a former Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy, the largest umbrella organization of Masonic lodges in Italy.

The work “Morals and Dogma” includes the esoteric tradition of 33rd degree Freemasons in the United States and Europe. Albert Pike himself was inspired by the works of the French esotericist Eliphas Levi, who went from being a Catholic priest to a ceremonial magician and acquired extensive knowledge of the occult, alchemy and Kabbalah, and therefore changed his birth name Alphonse Louis Constant (1810 – 1875) to the Hebrew version. In his book Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike points to the Masonic teachings of Lucifer, whom he repeatedly praised and revered as the bearer of light. At the same time, he called him the spirit of darkness and the son of the morning. As a result, Lucifer personally wrote several masterpieces and works that continue to shape Freemasonry to this day.

Of greatest significance, however, is the content of the letter in question, written to Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini on August 15, 1871. The letter was on display in the British Museum for many years before it mysteriously disappeared in the 1970s. This is likely to have something to do with the fact that the document outlines plans for three world wars that would not occur until many years after Albert Pike’s death. Accordingly, the Russian Tsars would fall in the first major conflict, and in the second war, Nazism would be destroyed, leading to the rise of Communism. In the third and final confrontation, Zionism and Islam would destroy each other. After this apocalyptic final war in the form of World War III, the survivors would finally receive the true light through a universal manifestation of the pure teachings of Lucifer.

In the 19th century, there were many reports of black masses held in high-level Freemasonry, during which the devil was invoked. Also in the Albert Pike Lodge in Charleston, South Carolina. Albert Pike was alleged to have possessed a remarkable ring that allowed him to communicate directly with Lucifer and obey the orders of this being. A number of blasphemies also occurred at these masses, which shocked the public. Today, the British Museum denies that it contains the prophecy described by Albert Pike, but critics believe that the original document is still there. According to available sources, in the letter in question, Albert Pike confirmed that he was receiving demonic visions from his spiritual leader. The plans for three world wars, which are said to be necessary to create a New World Order in the future, originated from this organization. Many of the predictions outlined therein actually came true, and influential Masons and Cabalists organized the manipulation of political events to follow Albert Pike’s instructions. The letter from the British Museum was copied by a former Royal Canadian Navy intelligence officer named William Guy Carr (1895-1959) before he disappeared without a trace.

William Guy Carr is now described by journalists as one of the first conspiracy theorists who was actually a Christian fundamentalist. He is the author of several books on the demonology of the American Illuminati. Carr revealed that an ancient Judeo-Illuminati banker society was using mind control techniques under the orders of Lucifer to create a new global world government. Therefore, this comprehensive secret plan was drawn up at the first international Bilderberg meetings. William Guy Carr’s most famous work is called “Pawns in the Game” and dates back to the 1950s. There he goes into more detail about the Illuminati’s plans and writes that the First World War allowed secret societies to break the power of the Russian Tsar and thus turn Russia into a fortress of atheistic communism. In this way, Illuminati agents ensured that Great Britain and Germany would clash with each other. Therefore, communism was chosen as a catalyst for the destruction of other governments and the weakening of world religions.

After World War II, political Zionism had to grow stronger so that a sovereign state of Israel could emerge, namely in Palestine. International Communism grew stronger until it became a counterweight to united Christianity. Since then, it has continued to be used to create a final and global social collapse. Carr writes that Albert Pike’s plans were obtained by Canadian intelligence. They also kept a record of the program for unleashing a third world war. As this third conflict begins to unfold, these notes state that smaller countries will ally with either Russia or the United States, while only Israel will remain neutral. According to Carr, the world will then see the destruction of the white Christian race, as well as the dissolution of all world religions. The only resistance is to defend Christianity from all forms of atheism and secularism.

In essence, William Guy Carr’s books describe a Luciferian conspiracy, which can also be seen as a worldwide revolutionary movement. While Carr eventually gets even more specific and writes that this program is orchestrated by the biblical “Synagogue of Satan”. This form of Satanism is said to be behind this global revolution through secret societies and politics. This means that efforts to achieve this world order have been underway since the time of Christ. Today, it is reaching its final stages and the Illuminati are the historical forces behind this evil conspiracy.

Since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, growing tensions and wars have unfolded in the Middle East, leading to increased rivalry between Jews and Arabs. All of this is very much in line with the actions that are predicted to trigger World War III. Current events show that we are not that far from the point at which the final social collapse is expected to occur.

Albert Pike describes how the final world war was to be resolved by a disagreement between political Zionism and the Muslim world. Both movements were destined to destroy each other in the process, while the remaining nations of the world were to be forced by political pressure to exhaust themselves physically, mentally, spiritually and economically until they collapsed. Albert Pike further predicted that this would result in a massive social cataclysm, the greatest the world had ever seen.

Carr further describes how after this revolution the Pope could be driven out of Rome and the last bastion of Christianity would gather in Russia. The following quotes from Albert Pike are taken from a book by William Guy Carr. If they are indeed from 1871, their content must be considered remarkable. How can a suspect forgery, circulating since at least 1896, accurately predict such events?

“Therefore, when the autocratic Russian Empire becomes the citadel of papal Christianity, we will unleash the revolutionary nihilists and atheists and cause a terrible social catastrophe, which will bring upon the peoples in all their horror the effect of absolute unbelief, the mother of savagery and the bloodiest disorder will clearly show us. Then everywhere these destroyers of civilization will be exterminated by the citizens who have to defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, and the masses disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic soul will be without a compass until then, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing where to go. Give it worship, the true light will be received through the general revelation of the pure Luciferian teaching, which will then finally be made public. A manifestation that will arise as a result of the general movement of reaction after the destruction of atheism and Christianity, which were defeated and eradicated at the same time.”

Additional information states that the plans for the three world wars were made during a meeting of the evil cabal that took place between August 9 and 15, 1871. The mastermind is said to have been Lucifer or Satan himself, who is said to have written the document, which is still being written in Latin copies. The Masons consider him to be their divine teacher, who will soon reveal himself to the world. Lucifer will then be worshipped by the whole world, and he will found a new religion when his new temple is built. This is meant to show that the plans for the future will come to fruition and lead to world domination.

Albert Pike wrote in his 1871 book that the truth of the world is known and recorded by the priests of the Indian Vedas. This aspect is also very interesting because Pike wrote a treatise on the Indo-Aryan Deities and Their Worship, which is described in the Vedas. The Rig Veda is especially important here, as it contains the most important collection of texts of the Indo-Aryan civilization. It includes many puzzles and discusses many Vedic gods and their worship rituals as well as philosophical knowledge and ancient wisdom concepts. Therefore, Albert Pike decided that it contained the ultimate truth, which showed that he was convinced of the reality of these ancient deities.

Since Christianity is seen as one of the greatest threats to the New World Order, Pike wrote that all Christians must be led away from the true light, since their teachings contain some of the real truth about the search for the “good God.” Lucifer is henceforth to be worshiped in the “Temple of the True Light,” to which all believers must eventually convert. In this way, the good God and the evil God meet and demand worship. According to Freemasonry’s plans, the greatest difficulty is to convert Catholics into freethinking believers in God. Social reforms must then ensure the disappearance of the Christian faith, and with it all priests, monks, and nuns.

“Especially in the intellectual sphere, the neutralization of the public schools must be ensured, so that they are no longer infiltrated by priests or their agents. Then, in the early stages of neutralization, we discourage parents from any thought of giving their children a Roman Catholic education outside the neutralized schools. …There is, indeed, in the human soul an innate feeling which impels man to the divine ideal, which makes him instinctively understand the existence of a Supreme Being, a supernatural factor, the organizer and moving force of the universe. We want to let this feeling develop freely, i.e., without criminally directing it against superstition, the religion of the evil God, which, however, was imported from abroad in the twilight of a vague deism, but not polluted by the pestilential breath of Roman Catholicism. And when the hour of the good God, truly worthy of human worship, comes, the children who have become men will direct their desires to Him. And so, casting aside the childhood and youth of Adonai (the Lord), we dedicate ourselves to Lucifer, simply through the natural inclination and maturity of the new generations.”

“It is therefore absolutely necessary that the atheist teacher should be clearly removed from the school, lest he attempt to introduce his own dogma, after we have already expelled the Adonite priest and the textbooks given into the hands of children, cleansed from the false dogmas of Roman Catholicism, postulate, but without a precise definition, the existence of a Supreme Being.”

“In any case and under all circumstances we must create a vacuum around the Roman Catholic priest, and it is also necessary that the clergy, becoming more and more despised, hated and despised, should be reduced in number and avoid anything in order to achieve this result. First, we expand societies, circles, non-religious festivals, etc., for the pleasure of city and country people; and secondly, we courageously and everywhere defend the anti-Roman Catholic motto: “No priest at birth!” No priest at a wedding! No priest at death! And advocated the creation of an association that will show solidarity with this program.”

“First of all, we must pause and concentrate on Italy. Here the Masons, following the policy which we have laid down in the literal sense, will be obliged to work tirelessly and with the greatest zeal to repeal the law passed three months ago, to which the leader of political action has drawn our attention. … This campaign of Italian Freemasonry was to be supported by the Masons of other countries through the ambassador of the superstitious Roman Pope. … Then we attack the carelessly granted sanctity of the parishes which constitute the high spiritual administration of the supreme headquarters of Roman superstition. This will provoke a conflict between the political authorities and the leaders of the papal power. We will not miss any opportunity to incite the people against this man, even the owner of this accursed place, so that if he dared to leave the Vatican, riots would break out. Italian public opinion must get into the habit of considering the presence of the Pope in their country as a dangerous embarrassment.”

“The newspapers will call upon the progressive deputies of other countries to immediately introduce a similar bill, which would outwardly free them from the national priesthood of this Catholic cult, in order to create a liberal priesthood of a religion with which the believers have nothing in common. Those who do the same profess the faith in another country. Great disturbances will occur in the various countries with numerous adherents to Roman Catholicism, and we will legally, by a general agreement emanating from Freemasonry, proceed to the dissolution of the religion of evil.”

“It is also said that the Pope of Superstition, who resided in Rome at the time of its dissolution, refused to accept the new situation in his Church. And he will release his now impotent thunderbolts against the governments engaged in this great work of social redemption. In those days many priests in various countries will leave the Church, because many have already gone over to our side. Expelled from Italy, the Papacy will be damned, wandering, and forced to plunge into darkness. Because governments will impose severe penalties on those who continue to support him and collude with him.”

“But it is also written that the wandering pope, the shepherd of the scattered flock, the helpless vessel of Peter and the sixth successor of human pride, who has collapsed under the worldly power of the shameful pontificate, will be saved by the Slavic autocrats after numerous expulsions, which will do him great honor. Then Adonism will try to reestablish itself. When the wandering pope in Russia is close to death and the imperial autocrat lies at his feet, the peoples will convert to Orthodoxy, i.e. to the schismatic religion of the East, and will quickly join the cause of the old Roman Catholicism, cleansed of Italy. The former Roman Church will remain fragmented in the countries of Western Europe. So Russia is the last refuge and bastion of Adonism, which claims Catholic origins.”

“In the Western countries the new religious regime, as soon as it is legalized, will resolutely suppress those dangerous propagandists who call themselves missionaries and preach to our brothers in Asia and among the heathens in Africa and Oceania, whom we must convert. Spreading lies and poisonous sermons. The governments must prohibit under severe penalties this despicable emigration, which can provoke incessant conflicts with the Asiatic peoples whose faith has been so fully enlightened by the efforts of the wise Tibetan priests, united with our Masonic helpers in India and China, and deserving of respect. And without waiting for the appointed time for these events, every Mason is obliged to fight with pen and word against the so-called Catholic missionaries and to trumpet contempt and unquenchable hatred in the secular world. These missionaries are our deadly enemies. Any Mason who refuses to fight will be considered a traitor. Anyone who joins them or supports such an action with public praise will be beaten to death.”

“If, then, the autocratic empire of Russia becomes the citadel of papist Adonism, we shall set free the revolutionary nihilists and atheists, and bring about a terrible social catastrophe which will bring to the nations in all its horror the effect of absolute unbelief, the mother of savagery, and the bloodiest disorder, will clearly demonstrate. Then the citizens, who must defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, will everywhere exterminate these destroyers of civilization; and the countless disillusioned Adonites, whose deistic souls have hitherto remained without a compass, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing which God is worthy of worship, become true through the general revelation of the pure Luciferian doctrine, finally made public. The reception of the light is an event which will arise from the reactionary movement after the destruction of Atheism and Adonism, at once vanquished and extirpated.”

“The birth of the religion of the good God Lucifer, established and unrivaled on earth, cannot be accomplished in a moment, nor in a year, nor in a century. Lasting achievement is that which is made by slow progress. The nineteenth century saw the conception of true and good Catholicism. The twentieth century will be the century of pregnancy, and its culmination will be the birth destined in the heavenly book. … Written and pronounced under the solemn arch and signed at the foot of the Sacred Palladium by the Sovereign Pope of Universal Masonry and the ten Elders composing the Most Serene Grand College of Honorary Masons in the easternmost part of Charleston, in the venerable Valley of the Divine Master, on the 29th and last day of the Moon, in the year of True Light 1871 (August 15, 1871, ordinary era).”

This is a secret plan that outlines all the tactics of this agenda, as well as a precise timetable for achieving these goals. Where did this information come from, where and when was it written down and predicted? Why would a good God need the means of lies, deception and war to build a Temple of Light?

Thus, in the 19th century, Satan experienced a brilliant revival. But there was a counterbalance, for example, in 1875, the Theosophical Society was founded in the United States, which was also based on ancient Eastern traditions and made this esotericism more known in the West. Since the early 19th century, various revolutions have occurred in the West, which are said to have been inspired by Satan, the new symbol of freedom. The victims of these revolutions were priests and kings, but theologians believe that Lucifer’s greatest enemy is the supreme king, Jesus Christ himself. According to this definition, Satan was banished to the cold of space and remains in darkness. Romantics of the 19th century saw him as a savior in the struggle for man’s freedom from God.

This is why Lucifer, along with other supernatural spiritual beings, devised a plan to destroy Christianity in order to establish a New World Order. In 1870 and 1871, Albert Pike and his accomplices received this “divine wisdom” and this plan was kept secret within Freemasonry. Only highly enlightened people could know about it. Author and Illuminati Doc Marquis gives further details in his book “Secrets of the Illuminati”. The secret plan calls for three world wars and these plans were in place for 44 years before the First World War. Therefore, it is very likely that supernatural beings are partly responsible for waging these wars and giving the orders. Pike and his accomplices want to establish a Satanic New World Order and this can only be achieved through destructive wars. World War III is supposed to occur worldwide and Satan or Lucifer has devised an elaborate plan to achieve this. This is also what the Bible says when the prophesied last days before the apocalypse begin. Are we close to these predictions coming true?

Ironically, the Albert Pike memorial statue was torn down and set on fire in June 2020 by Black Lives Matter supporters. These revolutionaries probably didn’t fully understand what they were doing. They had no idea that Albert Pike was not only an American Civil War general, but also a high-level Freemason who made the current revolution possible.

William Guy Carr noted that he received his information from Father Eustace Eilers (1902-1957). He gave Carr a copy of Cardinal Caro Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, The Secret of Freemasonry Revealed, which was originally published in 1925. In this work, the author also claims that Freemasonry is controlled at its highest levels by a secret society called the Illuminati. According to these clergy, this information comes from the Vatican Secret Archives! Even 32nd level Masons do not know that the Illuminati are at the top of their hierarchy. Only highly enlightened Masons like Albert Pike were and are privy to the plan for the great revolution. According to these sources, this goes back to the work of the Bavarian Illuminati under Adam Weishaupt.

When Weishaupt organized his order between 1776 and 1784, he already included these Lucifer Protocols in his plans. At that time, it was not yet clear whether Christianity, Freemasonry, Judaism or atheism should be used to implement the secret project. Weishaupt eventually decided that the Illuminati should infiltrate Freemasonry after the official dissolution of the order. A secret society within a secret society was then created. In addition, all participants were obliged to never talk about what they had seen or experienced. Most Masons of the 32nd and even 33rd degree therefore do not know what they are planning at the top of the Initiates. Only those who are elected members of the Satanic Synagogue become high priests of the Luciferian cult.

Weishaupt carried out a plan to infiltrate the Illuminati into high-level Freemasonry and place these individuals in high positions in business or politics. The Illuminati then used their influence to place their agents in key positions at all levels of government. The rank and file were simply exploited to further the idea of ​​a new world government, which included the creation of a new world religion. These masters of lies and deception use the Masonic lodges to hide their evil intentions and give their agents an air of respectable respectability. The world has since seen what these people are capable of. No one should ever be sworn to secrecy without knowing what secrets they are supposed to keep. Therefore, this knowledge must be made public. Lucifer’s agents can only continue to deceive the world if their plans and purposes remain secret.

Theologian Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786), among others, is said to have helped develop the rituals for the Grand Orient degrees, which are known as the Black Mass. These ceremonies express a bitter hatred of Christ and Christianity. Thus, Weishaupt and Mendelssohn were sources of inspiration for Albert Pike and his development of other Masonic rituals. The ceremony performed by Albert Pike alone is called the “Mass of Adonicide”. This means which translates as the death of God. The idea of ​​the death of God is supposed to allow Lucifer to rule. Although his followers believe that he is the true God, who is called the equal of Adonai. Lucifer is said to rule all parts of the universe except the realm of Adonai, which we call heaven!

The perfect secret of Freemasonry has been so altered by these newly invented rituals that the followers of the Synagogue of Satan now worship Lucifer as their true God. They worship him as the good god of light, from whom all knowledge and intelligence are said to come. The Black Masses are intended to suggest that the Christian god Adonai is the god of evil and darkness. This leads to a distortion of the objective facts of the universe. This assertion proves that God rules the heavens, from which Lucifer was cast out for giving men forbidden knowledge.

Thus, the world is controlled by a cabal of Lucifer’s chosen high priests who plan to enslave the entire world or humanity in a totalitarian New World Order in the name of their Lord of Darkness after the final social collapse and World War III have taken place. Albert Pike has stated throughout his life that international communism should be used to carry out these catastrophic actions. His notes also state that atheistic communism is only a temporary stage in this agenda. Communism and Christianity must destroy each other in this final war in order to advance the Luciferian conspiracy into its final phase. Now that we are informed of these plans, these sinister plans can be thwarted.

Jason Mason

The Illuminati of world fascism are leading all humanity to destruction


Today, many people ask themselves: “Why can’t the planet exist for a long time without wars, who needs World Wars that plunge the peoples of the world into a bloody slaughter and what have they always been the causes of?


Almost a hundred years ago, in December 1913, private bankers, businessmen-politicians, corrupt oligarchs of the USA founded the Federal Reserve System (FRS) with money from China and the tsarist gold of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.
Initially, only Great Britain tried to attract “black and gray” money from all over the world to its banking system, but later America itself began to do this.
The twenty-eighth President of the USA Thomas Woodrow Wilson headed this system at that time, and six years later, the US Congress supported the project of the League of Nations. Thanks to a leak from the archives of the US special services, today it has become clear that the world system of offshore shadow oligarchic business of the planet belongs to the two most influential American financial clans, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. It is through the grey, opaque and shadowy schemes of corrupt business, the system of offshore jurisdictions that allows the world’s financial magnates to hide their funds from official tax law enforcement officers. And quite recently, a heated discussion unfolded around the “descendants of the Romanovs” who miraculously survived the shooting in the Ipatiev House. After all, debts sooner or later, but still need to be repaid. Hence the fictional characters of the false heirs of the Romanov dynasty and the myths about their resurrection. The Rothschild clans spent neither a little nor a lot on this, but almost seven billion dollars. Impressive, but ….

Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear

At the time of the founding of the Federal Reserve System, the world illuminati of the Bilderberg Club elites was founded, the purpose of which was to create a World Government for the entire planet. Today, it includes prominent public and political figures, bankers, financial heavyweight magnates from various countries of the world. Here is just a partial list of these representatives: Charles Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, the hawk-hegemon of US policy – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Grigory Yavlinsky, George Bush, former CIA director David Petraeus, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Anatoly Chubais, Laurence Boone, Petro Poroshenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, George Soros, Hilary Clinton, George Bush, British Treasury Secretary John Osborne, Italian Prime Minister Mario Lokti, Princess Beatrice of the Netherlands, Austrian President Heinz Fischer, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, former Prime Minister and OSCE Chairman, Finance Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb…

The world shadow government of financial elites is currently discussing global issues of world enslavement
Creation of artificial crises, control over banks around the world, unlimited issue of unsecured dollars tied to other currencies of the world, elections of presidential candidates, unleashing large-scale wars and color revolutions, NATO military exercises, tax details, dynamics of oil and gasoline prices, forecasts of exchange rates and much more….
Who stood behind Hitler and brought him to power?

The historical events based on the two World Wars are of great importance for the entire world today. Paradoxically, it was the financial institutions of the USA and England that brought Adolf Hitler to power, giving him the powers of the head of state. The loss in the First World War was bound to pay off with a fight in the Second. Enormous amounts of money were invested in the construction of the Third Reich. The Morgan and Rockefeller clans became the secret patrons of the German Nazi movement of Adolf Hitler. Thus, the financial magnates of Washington and London, Hitler was put at the head of Germany. The struggle for Europe has always been waged. Due to the fact that by the beginning of 1930 the world was split into two camps, the national fascists in Germany and England, and the socialists in Great Britain, the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans sponsored both sides in the war. But neither Napoleon III nor Adolf Hitler could unite Europe from a position of strength.

Banks controlled by the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans in Germany, France, Austria, England sponsored both the First and Second World Wars, without realizing that there are no global wars to end all wars, just as there are no winners or losers. But it is quite possible to destroy the entire planet – the earth in a catastrophe of a planetary scale. But what Hitler could not do, these clans did. After the end of World War II, in 1949, the globalists managed to form the Council of Europe between other European nations as a kind of fraudulent structure under the auspices of trade agreements. The next stage was the creation of the North American and Asian Union. The three superpowers were to become the global superpower of the world and form the backbone of the Global World Government. With the Liquidation of the Warsaw Pact, the UN itself – the United Nations – could no longer serve as a regulator of world relations.

The British are crazy politicians Eugenic teachings of Jewish fascism

From 1913 to the present day, Britain not only destroyed the population of the Russian Empire and the USSR in massive, bloody world wars, but also carried out a fascist policy of killing even its own compatriots, mass-destroying the English in 1936. The first methods of sterilization and extermination of the population were sponsored by John Davison Rockefeller. The crazy fanatics-globalists and eugenicists of the pillar of the Third Reich, the fascist deadly regiment “Skull and Bones”, developed a plan to destroy the world back in 1910. Eugenics, as a special science, was subsidized by the Rockefeller family, and later this problem was dealt with by the Institute of Kaiser Wilhelm II of the German Empire. Large-scale war, dictatorship and total control over the population – this is what drove them, this is what was supposed to become the future.

Secret radiation experiments were conducted on hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, introducing Uranium-239 and Plutonium-241 into the blood of pregnant women, which caused spontaneous miscarriages. They preached in churches, distorting the true values ​​of the Biblical covenants. Rockefeller’s Masonic organizations created religious communities of fanatics for a worldwide Christian unification – ecumenism. Children were taken from poor families and sold for organs, experiments were conducted in special laboratories on the artificial creation of cancer, AIDS, Ebola. Only recently it became known that the nature of cancer is infectious. And in the post-war period, children and the elderly were voluntarily and forcibly infected with radiation sickness using mercury vaccines, as a result of which they died from spontaneous profuse bleeding. Their latest developments are climate weapons (HAARP) and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). The Illuminati imagined themselves to be a “superior race” and “blue blood”.

These bigwigs brought the world to World War III, the outcome of which could be the use of chemical weapons and the destruction of all of Europe, including America itself.
It was the United States that unleashed bloody wars under “democratic principles” in a number of countries, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Ukraine, the goal of which was the creation of global oligarchic world fascism and complete control over these countries.

American hegemony is successfully marching across the world

The Illuminati of the World Government are preparing a global banking collapse. The population unable to repay their mortgage debts is obliged to pay off the loans with their own property. Millions of indebted inhabitants of the planet may be left homeless.
Nazi Eugenics SS is a sinister policy of racial discrimination and xenophobia of the Third Reich, based on the theory of “Mein Kampf”, as well as on the creationist works of Charles Darwin.
The evolutionary theories of Darwin, Bowden, the atheist Haeckel and Hitler in the theory of natural selection about the purity of the blood of the nation – “Mein Kampf”, became hostages to the emergence of fascism, genocide and the destruction of weak races.

In the works of Friedrich Nietzsche there are several theories “about the superman” and “the master race”. This monster of supernatural selection, generated by German scientists, but distorted by the Nazi leaders of Germany and replaced the Biblical laws of the foundation of the world. Only the fascists divided nations into two categories: the superior race (elite) and the race of inferior elements (disabled, …… people from socially disadvantaged strata of the population). Only the fascists everywhere applied the program of total extermination of humanity and the Holocaust, only the fascists committed barbarity in the concentration camps of Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz …

But racial discrimination, as an instrument of war, was used back in the time of Plato. Even then, in the perverted minds of the “embezzler elites” was born the stupid thinking about the superpower of the superior races and the mass death of the inferior. And many centuries later, crazy fanatical eugenicists only repeated the lesson learned, not even imagining that related, dynastic marriages (incest and incest) can cause multiple genetic hereditary diseases.
And here is the result, incestuous marriages in ideal and impeccable purity of blood bring only degeneration of a healthy nation.

The Illuminati’s Program to Reduce the Population of the Planet


While the world’s elite build underground bunkers, eat organic food, and store seeds in Arctic cellars, the world’s poor starve because of high food prices and are poisoned by genetically modified foods.

Quote from Dean Henderson’s book “Big Oil and Its Gulf Bankers.” Chapter 13

These strict measures are applied mainly to the poor and are spreading to absolutely all nations of the world. More and more bloody local conflicts are breaking out all over the world.

The Illuminati campaign to reduce the world’s population is gaining momentum.

In 1957, US President Dwight Eisenhower, who coined the term “military-industrial complex”, commissioned a group of scientists to study the problem of overpopulation.

The scientists proposed Alternatives I, II, and III, which proposed the production of deadly viruses and endless war as a means of reducing the world’s population.

The first proposal was very closely intertwined with the pharmaceutical interests of the Rockefellers, since, according to Nexus magazine, the Rockefellers own half of the entire American pharmaceutical industry. This half would bring in billions of dollars in profit from the battlefield with viruses released according to the adopted doctrine.

In 1969, the Church Committee of the US Senate (a committee of 11 senators created in 1975 to oversee the illegal operations of the American intelligence community) found that the US Department of Defense had requested a budget of tens of millions of dollars for programs to develop new viruses designed to destroy the human immune system.

In response to the charges, Defense Department officials reported to Congress that they planned to produce “a synthetic biological agent that does not exist in nature and for which no natural immunity can be acquired…. Crucially, it may be resistant to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which our relative immunity from infectious diseases depends.”

House Bill 5090 authorized the appropriation of funds, and Project MK-NAOMI was launched at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

The research resulted in the development of a human immunodeficiency virus that could be used to target “undesirable elements” in the population. The first AIDS viruses were released during the World Health Organization’s smallpox vaccination campaign in central and southern Africa.

A year later, advertisements appeared in major American newspapers seeking “homosexual volunteers” to participate in a hepatitis B vaccine study.

The program targeted gay men between the ages of 20 and 40 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis, and San Francisco. It was run by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (formerly the Department of Public Health, which conducted syphilis experiments on African Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama).

San Francisco became the target of numerous CIA experiments because of its large number of leftist and gay citizens. These two categories of Americans fall under the definition of “undesirables” in Illuminati doctrine.

According to Dr. Eva Snead, San Francisco has one of the highest cancer rates in the country. For years, malathion, originally developed by the Nazis, was sprayed around the city by helicopters from the CIA’s Evergreen Air, whose Arizona base is used, according to William Cooper, as a CIA staging area for Colombian cocaine.

Legionnaires’ disease, or Legionellosis, is most commonly found in San Francisco, and the CIA’s secret mind-control program MK-ULTRA was also based there.

The intellectual force behind the emergence of the human immunodeficiency virus was the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome, based at the Rockefellers’ Italian estate near Bellagio and backed by the European Black Nobility. Dr. Aurelio Peccei, the founder of the club, summed up the results of the club’s research and made a top-secret recommendation to breed a microbe that would attack the immune system and then develop a preventative vaccine for the world’s elite.

The Bilderberg Group has also been involved in population control since the end of World War II. Cooper claims that it was the group’s political strategy committee that ordered the Defense Department to breed the AIDS virus. The group was also behind the Haig-Kissinger population reduction policy, was a driving force in the State Department and ran the National Security Council. As a result, pressure was put on third world countries to reduce their populations.

A year later, the virus – the ultimate goal of the MK-NAOMI project – was created. The notorious “Global 2000 Report” was released, approved and put into action by President Jimmy Carter. Peccei wrote in the report: “from now on man is endowed with unprecedented, enormous responsibilities, he is delegated the role of regulator of life on the planet, including his own.”

The recalcitrant are deprived of aid and subject to constant warfare directed against civilians, especially women of childbearing age. For Africa, famine and local conflicts are recommended. As a result, today a Kalashnikov can be purchased in the markets of West Africa for less than $50. The same is true for the markets of Peshawar, Pakistan.

In 1975, a year after attending the Club of Rome conference, Secretary of State Kissinger founded the Office of Population Affairs. The official of this office for Latin American affairs, Thomas Ferguson, gave away the secret of his department when he stated that “one single theme underlies all our work, we must reduce the population of the planet. Either they do it with our clean good methods, or they get chaos, just like in El Salvador, Iran, Lebanon…

As soon as the population gets out of control, it is necessary to put in power an authoritarian government, even fascists, in order to reduce the number… And civil wars are not a fast enough way to reduce the population.

The fastest way is famine, like in Africa. We go into a country and say, here’s your development plan. Start controlling your population, or else you’ll get what El Salvador or Iran or even worse, Cambodia got.”

Here’s what Ferguson said about El Salvador:
– To achieve what the State Department considers acceptable population control, the civil war (run by the CIA) has to be as intense as possible. It has to involve all the men, and it has to kill as many women of childbearing age as possible. You’re not killing enough men and not enough women to accomplish your mission… If you keep the war going for 30 or 40 years, maybe you’ll get somewhere. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough examples to study and say for sure.

Report from Iron Mountain

In 1961, Kennedy administration officials MacGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara, and Dean Rusk, all members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderberg Group, headed a study group “on peace.”

The group met at Iron Mountain, a vast underground nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, home to the Hudson Institute, the CFR’s think tank. The bunker houses backup offices for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, and JP Morgan Chase in case of nuclear attack. A copy of the group’s study, known as the “Iron Mountain Report,” was leaked to the press in 1967 and published by Dial Press.

The report’s authors viewed war as inevitable and even desirable: “war itself is the primary social system through which other secondary social systems conflict or communicate. War is the chief organizing force … an essential economic stabilizer in modern societies.”

The report states: “The military system cannot be allowed to disappear until … something is provided that can be reliably replaced … The possibility of war presupposes a sense of external need without which no government can long remain in power … The chief influence of a modern state over its citizens is its military power. War serves as the last serious defense against the extermination of the necessary classes.”

Historian Howard Zinn described the conundrum this way: “American capitalism requires international rivalry and periodic war to create an artificial community of interest between rich and poor, thus crowding out the genuine community of interest between the poor.”

The Iron Mountain group was not the first to discover the “pleasures” of war. In 1909, the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie Universal Peace Fund met to discuss pre-war American life. Many of the attendees were members of Skull and Bones.
They concluded that “there is no known means of changing the lives of all people more effective than war… How to involve the United States in war”?

The Iron Mountain report reveals the true role of the lower classes as providing the military institutions with “antisocial elements… The youngest and most dangerous of these disadvantaged social groups should remain under the control of a system of conscription for individual citizens (it turns out that the United States has one, too — translator’s note)… A possible substitute for controlling potential enemies of society is the introduction of some form of slavery compatible with modern technology and political processes… The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world without war.”

The Iron Mountain thugs, although they trembled at the idea of ​​slavery, listed as other socio-economic substitutes for war: “a comprehensive social welfare program, a permanent arms control regime, an omnipresent global police and peacekeeping force, massive global environmental pollution that would require an enormous labor force and a comprehensive eugenics program to clean up.”

The Iraqi genocide fulfilled the dreams of the Club of Rome maniacs, while providing them with a testing ground for two substitutes for war proposed by the Iron Mountain fascists: an arms control regime and a UN peacekeeping force, both of which had gained popularity in the international community thanks to the Gulf War.

Genocide in Iraq!

The estimates of Iraqi casualties during the Gulf War are staggering. Some organizations, such as Greenpeace, estimate the loss of almost one million people. It was a war in which the media was denied access to this very information on a scale never seen before. That is why the casualty figures vary so widely.

According to Tony Murphy, an investigator for the International Military Tribunal, the US attack on Iraq killed 125,000 civilians, destroyed 676 schools, 38 hospitals, nine major hydroelectric dams, 11 power stations, 119 power substations and half the country’s telephone lines. The attacks took place mostly at night, when people are most vulnerable.

In the months following the war, the death rate of Iraqi children under five tripled. Thirty-eight percent of deaths were caused by diarrhea.

Russian journalist Viktor Filatov wrote in a report to the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya from post-war Baghdad: “How much more blood do these 20th century barbarians need? I thought that the Americans had changed since Vietnam, but no, they will never change. They remain true to themselves.”

According to former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the US was found guilty of 19 war crimes against Iraq by the International Military Tribunal. The US dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on Iraq during the Gulf War and countless more after.

Many of the bombs had depleted uranium warheads, which caused serious health problems among Iraqis. Dr. Stuart-Horst Günther, a German doctor who came to Iraq to help the victims, became seriously ill after simply handling a cigar-sized fragment of a depleted uranium warhead.

Dr. Günther measured the radioactivity of the object. It was 11 microsieverts per hour, while the permissible level should be no more than 300 microsieverts per year.

Three hundred tons of depleted uranium ammunition were used during the war. Many believe that depleted uranium is the cause of Gulf War syndrome, which killed and disabled many American soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf. Since 2000, about 11,000 war veterans have died from the aforementioned syndrome, while the Pentagon continues to cover up the fact.

Satanism and Psychotronic Warfare

The US also tested a large number of top secret high-tech weapons in the Gulf using low frequency sound. When Iraqi ground troops surrendered, many of them were in a state of delirium and apathy, which may have been caused by the low frequency sound waves that the US had used as a weapon back in Vietnam.

CIA and Yale psychiatrist Dr. Jose Delgado studied mind control techniques in the 1950s as part of the MK-ULTRA program. Delgado determined that “physical control of many functions of the brain is a proven fact… it is even possible by electronic stimulation of certain cerebral structures to make a person move under radio commands… a kind of remote control.”

According to the document From PSYOP to Brain Warfare: The Psychology of Victory by Colonel Paul Whaley and Major Michael Aquino, the US Army used an operational system to “scan the brains of neutral and enemy individuals and then reshape them to suit American national interests.”

This technique was used to secure the surrender of 29,276 armed Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army soldiers in 1967-68.

Major Michael Aquino was an Army psychological operations (PSYOP) specialist in Vietnam, where his unit specialized in drug stimulation, brainwashing, viral injections, mind implants, hypnosis, and the use of electromagnetic fields and ELF radio waves.

After Vietnam, Aquino moved to San Francisco and founded the Temple of Set. Set is the ancient Egyptian name for the Devil. Aquino was then a senior U.S. Army Intelligence officer. He had received his top-secret government clearance in June 1981.

Less than a month later, an Army Intelligence memo revealed that Aquino’s Temple of Set was an offshoot of Anthony LaVey’s Church of Satan, which was also based in San Francisco. Two other members of the Temple of Set were Willie Browning and Dennis Mann, both military intelligence officers.
The Temple of Set’s interests included military affairs and political fascism. The Nazi Order of the Trapezoid was especially revered. “Officially,” Aquino was a history professor at Golden Gate College.

Директор Военной Контрразведки Дональд Пресс обнаружил, что Дэннис Манн был направлен в 306 батальон PSYOP, а Аквино привлекли к сверхсекретной программе, известной как Presidio.

Presidio — это также название пресловутой американской военной базы, которую, по некоторым сообщениям, посещал Михаил Горбачев когда разваливался Советский Союз. На ее месте сейчас располагается Национальная зона отдыха, парк Золотые Ворота.

Участвовал ли Аквино в операции по промыванию мозгов последнему руководителю Советского Союза? Внедрили ли ему мысли о гласности и перестройке, которые и привели, в конце концов, к развалу Союза?

Human society has successfully implemented a policy of implanting microchips in stray animals. In the state of Hawaii, it is mandatory for all pets to be microchipped. Six thousand people in Sweden have a chip in their hand, which they use to make purchases. Trials are underway in Japan.

In July 2002, National Public Radio reported on a similar experiment in Seattle. Later that year, after a series of kidnappings of young girls, the BBC reported that a British company was planning to begin implanting microchips in children, ostensibly so that parents could know where their offspring were at any time.

Dr. Karl Sanders, a highly sought-after electronics engineer, says that the optimal place to implant a microchip is just below the hairline on a person’s forehead, since the device can be recharged by changes in body temperature, which are most noticeable there. In fact, the development of chips for such purposes is gaining momentum.

Researchers in Southern California have developed a chip that mimics the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. Pentagon officials are interested in using the chip in experiments to create a “super soldier.”

In Iraq, psychological warfare has given way to slow genocide. According to UNICEF, by the end of 2001, 1.5 million Iraqi children had died from the effects of sanctions, with one in ten children not even living to see their first birthday.

Thalassemia, anemia and diarrhea, the biggest killers, could have been stopped if not for the shortage of medicines and blood transfusion equipment due to sanctions. The UN 661 Committee, which was responsible for deciding what could be supplied to Iraq as “dual use”, banned them as part of the sanctions.

As a result, over 1,600 Iraqi contracts for medical equipment were blocked by the 661 Committee.

During the war, Iraq’s sewers and water purification systems were damaged. Residents were forced to drink contaminated water, which led to numerous health problems. At the same time, Iraq was not allowed to import chlorine to disinfect the water, as the 661 Committee considered it a potential chemical weapon.

Electricity was limited to three hours per household each day, as the government could not obtain the necessary spare parts to repair the power plants destroyed by American bombing.

With the Iraqi dinar devalued and 2.4 million barrels of oil exported per day banned, the average Iraqi lived on $2.50 per month. The only Iraqis untouched by these woes were the wealthy elite, who had long hid their savings abroad in US dollars.

UNICEF estimated that 28% of Iraqi children were no longer attending school, compared to nearly all who had before the war. Often, families could only afford to send one child to school because of the cost of basic items like backpacks, shoes, and computers.

In 1996, Defense Secretary William Perry announced a new buildup of US military presence in the Persian Gulf. Once again, rockets rained down on Baghdad.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin, whose country signed a deal with Iraq to rebuild its devastated oil sector, said he was alarmed by the use of “extraordinary and radical force against the Arab world.”

The Russian opposition was harsher. Alexander Lebed angrily declared that “the US is like a strict master who doesn’t give a damn about anyone.”
Turkey, Jordan and Syria expressed concern about the new bombings. Even Saudi Arabia, where Islamic fundamentalism was on the rise, now refused to allow the US to use military bases to bomb Iraq.

Dennis Holliday, the former UN assistant secretary-general who initially headed the humanitarian aid program for Iraq, resigned in protest. He said that sanctions had destroyed the best of the Iraqi people who wanted to create a better government in the country.

He was disdainful of the UN’s Oil-for-Food program, under which the US received 70% of Iraq’s oil. Holliday openly declared: “We are guilty of committing genocide against Iraq through the Security Council.”

Holliday was succeeded by Hans Van Sponeck, who oversaw the UN’s rollout of the UNSCOM arms control program. US inspector Scott Ritter confirmed Iraqi suspicions that UNSCOM was gathering intelligence for the CIA and Mossad.

In 1996, the Iraqi government claimed that various humanitarian missions, including the World Food Programme (WFP), which aided the Kurds, were CIA operatives working to destabilize the country.

The CIA spent more than $20 million to support the Iraqi National Congress, led by the Kurdish faction of longtime CIA puppet Jalal Talibani.

In January 1997, Iraq exposed two Mossad spy networks one month after the assassination attempt on Saddam Hussein’s son. Hans Van Sponeck had seen enough. He also resigned in protest.

In December 1998, UNSCOM, facing accusations of espionage, left Iraq. And in early 1999, it was discovered that the US had used UNSCOM to plant electronic eavesdropping devices in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. Scott Ritter said the CIA was using UNSCOM to “provoke tensions.”

On December 15, the US began a new round of bombing. Ritter claims that intelligence gathered by UNSCOM was used to plan it. UNSCOM spokesman David Kay resurfaced in 2003, calling for a US invasion of Iraq. He was now working for the notorious SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation), which had won numerous Pentagon contracts for the post-war reconstruction of Iraq.

Illuminati: Myths and Realities of a Parallel World | Documentary

The Fall of the Cabal: The Truth They Hid


Author of the film: Janet Ossebaard

This is the BEST documentary you’ve seen in a long time about the processes that are happening in the modern world but are not widely publicized, about the ugly truths about our world and the people who run it. The story includes a lot of information in ten relatively short episodes and offers insight into the QAnon movement. Amazing information for the uninitiated and some surprises even for those familiar with the topic!

Warning: It is highly recommended to watch this series of 10 short films until the very end. The first episodes may seem shocking and unrealistic, but in the end everything will fall into place.


David Icke’s Theory “The World is Ruled by Reptiles”

In the West, in the 90s, a rather “impressive” book was published under the title “The Biggest Secret”. Its author was David Icke, who in this book expresses his confidence that the Earth has been inhabited by human reptiles since ancient times – a race of people whose goal is to capture and enslave humanity. According to Icke, these “intelligent” reptiles have already come quite close to achieving their terrible goal.

The book provides detailed explanations about how, while studying distant history, Icke came across a very specific race that physically exists to this day. This is a race consisting of reptiles and called, according to the Sumerian tablets, “Annunaki”.

Dr. D.A. Horn wrote a book “Extraterrestrial Human Origins”, in which he also conducted relevant research, on the basis of which he claims that the connection between man and reptiles began many millennia ago and continues to this day.

These reptilian bloodlines originate from the Caucasus Mountains, from the area of ​​Sumer, or Babylon, where the crossbreeding between reptiles and humans occurred. As a result of the crossbreeding, hybrids appeared – demigods or intermediaries between man and god, some kind of snake kings.

Icke writes that later in Egypt a certain community arose, called the Royal Court of the Dragon. And even after 4000 years, this organization is quite strong. Its leadership is located in England, which, according to Icke, is the epicenter, or headquarters of the network.

Icke’s hypothesis is very similar to science fiction, but this science fiction is full of historicism.

Reptilians ruled the Middle East and neighboring states in various eras of humanity, and then became members of European royal families.

Today, only one such royal family remains: all the others perished from revolutions or coups, were removed from power. And only one line rules to this day, under different names – the Windsors.

In 1689, William of Orange, a Dutchman by nationality, was placed on the English throne. It is with him that every royal family in Europe is connected by kinship. And on both sides of the Atlantic, “managers” begin to organize work in their families: the Oppenheimers in the countries of South Africa, the Rockefellers in America.

You are simply amazed when you delve into the genealogy of American presidents: European royal blood flows in all of them. Almost all presidents are genetic descendants of King Alfred of England and the monarch Charlemagne, who ruled in what is now France. Many such people occupy key positions of power, and all of them, according to Icke, are descendants of reptiles.

It is naive to think that anyone can become president. George Bush, the son of Prescott Bush, a member of the Crossbones Society and the Skull Society, was raised from the very beginning as a future president and holder of power. Bill Clinton, according to the official genealogical Book, is a genetic relative of the House of Windsor. Clinton is considered a member of the Rockefeller family. This explains the fact that an ordinary boy “from the street” receives the Rod scholarship, given by Oxford University only to a select few. There are many such examples…

There are also many people who confidently say that literally before their eyes, many in power are turning into reptiles. How is that possible? It turns out that there is a certain frequency field for reptiles, in which it is difficult for them to be in human form. And if a person’s consciousness at least briefly switches to this frequency, then he is able to see a reptile without its third-dimensional attire. And there are tons of such eyewitnesses.

Ike is sure that what humanity calls the World of the New Order is in fact a plan of the reptiles who want to create absolute chaos in the world, not disdaining even large-scale wars. The World of the New Order is the structures of a world government, a central bank, a world currency, the disappearance of cash, humanity with implanted microchips, a world army.

The whole point is that the vibration of planet Earth is increasing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the reptiles to remain in human form. And the moment will come when the reptiles will no longer be able to hide, and people will finally see their true face. That is why it is necessary to have time to do a lot.

Of course, Ike’s information concerning the reptiles can be treated with some distrust, but the fact that the world is ruled by a bunch of people related to each other by family ties cannot be denied. It turns out that the structure of control over the world is a pyramid with other pyramids inside it, the principle of a nesting doll: one inside another, etc. (Not to be confused with fractal healing pyramids built on the principle of the golden section)

If you look at any organization from the outside, you can notice this pyramid principle. Those sitting on the lowest steps of this complex pyramid do not even know what the entire organization is doing. They work at their workplaces, return to their homes after work, not even knowing that their small labor is combined with another, the same, and eventually turns into something huge and sinister. And only those at the top know about this.

Not long ago, one of the Russian TV channels showed a report about how, after a long search in the 80s of the twentieth century, a policeman and traitor was caught, on whose conscience several burned villages in the Smolensk region were. However, out of the blue, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan began to intercede for this fascist policeman. Isn’t it interesting? The announcer explained that these powers that be were saving their agent… However, after Ike’s publications explaining the differences between reptiles and ordinary people, a characteristic feature could be seen in the photograph of the traitor. That is, it turns out that this traitor and sadist is not an agent, but someone who is related to his protectors. A community of reptile relatives is a reliable and strong defense.

The main differences between reptiles that immediately catch the eye are: a vertically elongated pupil, an almond-shaped diagram, a pointed and long tongue, and sharp and large teeth.

Until now, no one has managed to more or less reliably reject the Ike doctrine, at the same time the world has somehow become thoughtful. And the number of Ike’s supporters is growing every day, which indicates that his chosen direction is correct.

David Icke – The Reptilian Conspiracy

Hailed by some as the “paranoid of the decade,” David Icke warns that shape-shifting reptilian aliens are among us — as our presidents, our royalty, our diplomats, even our entertainers.

David Icke says that world history has been nothing more than a conspiracy against the human race, a campaign waged over thousands of years by the Anunnaki, a secret society of extraterrestrial reptilians. The reptilian race spun the myths that formed the world’s religions and cleverly crafted the teachings of various prophets to keep people in a mental prison. The Anunnaki controlled gullible humans and ruled over them as pharaohs, kings, emperors, and various royals. The insidious reptilians are behind secret societies and powerful groups such as the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Freemasons.

For those who admit to an innate fear of snakes but can’t recall any reptilians walking around as preachers, teachers or government administrators, that’s because the Anunnaki are shapeshifters and can take on human form. Icke claims that famous people like Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bob Hope and Kris Kristofferson are all intergalactic reptiles disguised as humans.

Icke, a native of Leicester, England, wasn’t always chasing blood-sucking lizards from other worlds. Until he developed arthritis in 1973, he was a professional footballer for Coventry City and Hereford United. No longer an active player, Icke turned his sporting skills to being a sports announcer for BBC-TV. Politics were also among his main interests, and he was a national spokesman for the British Green Party from 1988 to 1991.

New Age concepts and ideas began to appeal to him, and for a time Icke dressed in turquoise and called himself the “Son of God.” Concerned about the health of the planet, he became an environmentalist, but then, somewhere during his studies, he read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a well-known Tsarist anti-Semitic forgery, and endorsed the theory of a global Jewish conspiracy as true. Icke has said that he very much believed that a small group of Jews despised the larger mass of Jewish people and that this “elite”; worked with non-Jews to precipitate World War I, the Russian Revolution, and World War II. According to Icke’s interpretation of world events, this elite cabal of Jews even provided the financial influence that allowed Hitler to come to power and rearm Nazi Germany.

It was in 1998 that Icke pieced together the final sections of the reptilian bloodline. In his book, The Biggest Secret, he recounts meeting two mind control victims, Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder, who claimed they were forced to perform Satanic human sacrifice rituals for high-ranking individuals, including the British royal family. Wilder told of Queen Elizabeth eating human flesh and drinking human blood after such a sacrifice. After eating human flesh, the Queen would turn into a reptile “with a long reptilian face, almost like a beak, and it was off-white.” Wilder made the same accusations against Prince Charles, who would turn into a reptile and take particular pleasure in sacrificing children. Shortly after hearing these horrific revelations, Christine Fitzgerald, a woman who claims to be a close friend and confidante of Princess Diana, told Icke that Diana had nicknamed the House of Windsor “lizards.” And the princess meant it literally, not figuratively. According to Fitzgerald, for quite a long time, no member of the royal family had ever died. They had simply metamorphosed in a process somewhat akin to cloning.

George W. Bush is also an extraterrestrial reptile who has been seen to change shape. In fact, as Icke claimed in a 1999 interview, thirty-three U.S. presidents share a common reptilian ancestry from France and Britain.

Icke has expounded his views in a number of books and recorded lectures. Among his book titles are the following, all available from Bridge of Love publications at The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World (1999); Children of the Matrix (2001); Alice in Wonderland and the Disaster of the World Trade Center (2002); and Endless Love Is the Only Truth – Everything Else is Illusion (2005).

In 2011, the Intel Center named Icke the fifth most influential person in alternative media, citing his voluminous writings and his all-day stage appearances that always left his audiences wanting more. According to the Intel Center, Icke may well be one of the most dangerous people to the establishment because of his ability to “convince ordinary people of their enormous power to affect positive change.” Icke is considered by many to explore what he calls “the Fifth Sense Reality,” and provides historical evidence of “some very strange and thought-provoking phenomena.”

Japanese Temple Conceals Ancient Reptilian Statue


The Horyu-ji Temple in Japan’s Nara Prefecture has long attracted attention for its unusual statue, which disappeared not long ago. It depicted a seated figure with distinct lizard-like features. According to some researchers, the statue was evidence of the existence of a reptile cult in ancient Japan.

Any finds of this kind are always very interesting, and the cult of reptiles is found in many ancient cultures of the world (Middle East, Africa, Europe, Mesoamerica). Starting with the mysterious humanoid reptilian artifacts discovered by archaeologists during excavations of Al-Ubaid in Iraq, and ending with the documented cult of the crocodile in Ancient Egypt, stories about the feathered serpent worshiped by the Mayans, and, finally, legends about the Slavic god of the underworld Veles. It is difficult to deny that many references to humanoid reptiles should make one think about the real existence of such an ancient race on our planet.

There are also many theories about alien reptiles. These creatures have been living on Earth for a long time, over time they adapted and even allegedly interbred with humans. Hybrids can exist in the world, and in the vastness of the Internet in various videos you can see that people have snake eyes. It seems suspicious that this statue was suddenly removed from the temple. Most information about it suggests that there was a monument to a potential reptilian in this place, and that it was sold around 2017. It is also difficult to find information about this statue in the history of the building itself, since all records were destroyed by fire in 1670, and the temple itself was rebuilt in 1708.

Even if the story of the disappearance of the statue from the Horyu-ji temple turns out to be untrue, it is worth remembering that legends about lizard-like creatures exist in too many isolated cultures to be considered a simple hoax. Something strange and unknown to us must have happened on our planet if artifacts of this kind are found even after thousands of years. It is quite possible that this Japanese temple is just one of the clues on the path to the truth.

Zeta and Reptilian Underground Base in Dulce (USA)


The US-Zeta joint use bases were built in accordance with the 1954 Greada Treaty. Although some researchers have already counted more than two dozen such bases, only two are known for certain today: the Dulce Base and Area 51 (Dreamland, Groom Lake, S-4, Watertown Streep, Paradise Ranch, The Box).

Built for the purpose of transferring technology from the Zetas to the US Government, each base, however, has its own area of ​​specialization. The Dulce base specializes in Genetic Experiments and Mind Control experiments. The main task of Area 51 is the program of reverse engineering of the Zetas’ flying saucers.

The Dulce base was located under the Archuleta Mesa mountain – approximately two and a half miles northwest of the small town of Dulce (New Mexico, USA). The exact location of the base was first established by American electronics scientist Paul Bennewitz in 1979, thanks to his interception and decoding of Zeta communications between the base and ships in the atmosphere and orbit of the Earth. Bennewitz established direct electronic contact with the Zetas and received a wealth of interesting information from them, which he later made public. Gradually, dozens of other sources, independent of Bennewitz, (including Cooper) confirmed his data. In 1999, Branton compiled all the available information about the Dulce base into a book, The Dulce Book, which can be read in the original here:

ttp:// In 2003, Dr. Michael Salla conducted a meticulous scientific analysis of all the available information regarding the Dulce base and published The Dulce Report, a translation of which I offer to the reader’s attention.



Reptilians Seen in Giant Cave in Vietnam

In the early 1990s, the Son Doong Cave (Hang Son Doong) was accidentally discovered in Vietnam, which is now called the largest cave in the world. The cave is located in Quang Binh Province, in the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, about 500 kilometers south of Hanoi. Even before the discovery of the Son Doong Cave, this place was known for its long and vast caves, which are still almost unexplored.

The total volume of the Son Doong Cave is estimated at 38.5 million square meters. Some internal voids reach a height of 200 meters and a width of 150 meters, and in this part the cave is also considered a record holder.

The age of the Son Doong Cave is estimated at approximately 3 million years. Researchers have so far walked 6.5 km through it, but it is claimed that the cave is much longer. Soon after the discovery of the Son Doong Cave, rumors began to circulate that locals were seeing strange creatures near it. They described them as humanoid, but with reptilian features, and claimed that the creatures lived somewhere in the depths of the cave and that they saw these creatures sometimes coming out. This suspiciously fits with the stories of American soldiers during the Vietnam War, who saw “terrible reptilian people” in the jungle.

In 1970, one of the US military units was based in South Vietnam near the Phong Nha-Ke Bang caves. And one day, the soldiers noticed a two-meter “upright humanoid lizard” at the entrance to one of the caves. They immediately opened fire on it, but when they ran to this place after the shooting, they found neither a body nor traces of blood there. This story was told by one of the soldiers on condition of anonymity and claimed that this incident was not officially confirmed and that they decided to simply hush it up.

A large Vietnamese-British research team explored Son Doong Cave in 2009, and in 2013 the cave opened for tourist excursions. And immediately there were reports of people seeing strange reptilian humanoids in the cave. It was even claimed that one of the tourists went missing, having been abducted by these creatures.

In 2015, a murky black-and-white photograph surfaced, which, according to the author, was a “devilish creature” that he noticed during a visit to Son Doong Cave. The eyewitness claimed that the creature had a human body, but its face was more like a lizard or dragon.

By the way, legends about reptile people (or snake people) who live in underground caves are known in many countries. For example, in Cusco, Peru, they say that there is a large network of tunnels underground inhabited by strange creatures associated with the snake deity Amaru. Once upon a time, entrances to these tunnels could be found, but then the authorities of Cusco decided that it was too dangerous for people to go there and gave the order to seal all the entrances.

Excerpts from contacts with reptilians



I decided not to keep silent about this like many others and wrote to you on the site about my story, which happened to me recently. Together with my boyfriend, I live in a residential area of ​​the city in a nine-story building on the 8th floor. That day I went to bed late, it was about 4 am. When I turned off the light and went to the window to close the blinds, I noticed a strange object above the house opposite. It looked like a fireball, about 2-3 meters in diameter, glowed yellow, and orange at the edges. I then thought that it could be a large Chinese lantern, but it did not fly up as usual, but slowly moved over the roof. I was not interested in the UFO topic at that time, and I went to bed.

That night I woke up from an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and noticed a tall dark figure near the bed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that my boyfriend was sleeping. This creature sat down next to me and had some metal object in its hands. The blanket was thrown back, and I saw that the creature was doing some manipulations over my stomach. I did not feel pain, my body was as if numb. I gathered my strength and raised myself up on my hands. It turned its head in my direction and a second later everything went dark before my eyes, I don’t even remember how I fell onto the pillow.

I woke up in the morning. I noticed 8 red dots in the lower abdomen as if from injections and painful when pressed. I remembered the creature’s appearance well, it had a proportional human figure, the face also looked like a human one, a sharp chin, thin lips, protruding cheekbones, but the eyes struck me. They were huge in size, probably half the size of a face, with a vertical pupil like a cat’s, red.

A week later I saw a glowing ball in the sky again, it was about 2 am. It was higher than the last time and was moving towards our house, then it disappeared from view. I waited for a while and went to bed. I don’t remember what happened that night. I didn’t tell anyone about what happened, there was no fear, only curiosity.

The next night I really hoped that I would see a UFO again and maybe I would have time to talk to this creature. I asked myself the question “When will you come again?” and heard the answer, it really surprised me. The creature greeted me and said that its work with me was finished and I was not suitable for them due to health reasons. It’s interesting that when I closed my eyes I saw its well-lit face, it was in some room, but as soon as I opened my eyes, the picture disappeared.

I asked how it heard my question and how does this communication happen? He replied that they have special technologies that allow them to monitor the thoughts of every person on Earth. Human thought forms are filtered with the help of technology, and thanks to this they can identify unauthorized contact with their kind or track those people on whom they conduct experiments. He said that I only need to remember his face well, and this can be noticed by their “observers”. I asked him why your ships are so small and spherical, because many eyewitnesses talk about a disc-shaped form? The alien said that today I will have the opportunity to see their ship of a different shape, it is nearby. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to the window. He said that when their ship flies closer, he will open the opportunity for me to view it. He said that their ships are disguised from people in several ways, sometimes it is a telepathic influence, a person thinks that he sees just the sky, although there may be their ship, and only through a camera can you see it.

After some time, I saw a pyramidal object glowing orange in the sky. It is difficult to say how big it was, it was very big. It was turned towards me with one side, its base was parallel to the horizon line, its shape was like an isosceles triangle. Then the object began to rise into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

P.S.: After everything that happened, I had questions about why they are watching people, what are these experiments for, and why are they hiding if they are stronger than us? Also, when I saw the image of a Masonic sign on a dollar bill (a triangle in rays of light with an eye), it reminded me of that glowing orange pyramidal object, and the “eye” is a symbol of surveillance, because as the alien said, they are watching people.



The contact began with me waking up at night, motionless, just opening my eyes, and realizing that I couldn’t move. I could only move my eyes. A bright neon light filled the room, the source of the light was not visible, but it was falling from somewhere outside the window. A blinding flash, a shiver through my body – and I felt that I was no longer lying on a bed, but on a metal table, which was really cold, in some kind of room like an operating room. But this room was just empty. Matte white light was coming from everywhere, and the sources of this light were not visible. As if the whole room was one lamp. The light was neon, there were no nets anywhere.

I was amazed that I immediately got there, without flying anywhere, I don’t remember that. In my room on the 6th floor, both the window and the door were closed. It was probably teleportation. I saw several strange-looking creatures near me: tall, lizard-like, typical reptiles with scaly skin stood around me. There were 5-7 of them. Their faces were longish, thin necks, snake-like eyes with vertical pupils. They had a comb on their heads, a small hump, it did not stick out much. They were all naked, without clothes. Among them were females – I understood this by the presence of breasts on some of the creatures. Two other creatures that were in the distance also came into my field of vision – with gray skin, thin, with large bald heads and pure black eyes, their skin was also like snakes. The gray-skinned ones, as I understood, were on hand and foot for the reptiles, like servants. Basically, they did all the auxiliary work. I really wanted to examine them in more detail, but because I could not move, I could not. I screamed in horror, but to my even greater horror, when I screamed, for some reason I couldn’t hear my own voice! …

The creatures stood over me as if I were dead, I repeat, I was completely immobilized, and they operated on me with various instruments, examined my genitals, and, as I understood, removed my egg.



The city of Varinga is located in Brazil. According to ufologists, this place is popular with aliens. In January 1996, something unusual happened in Varinga. Three girls were returning from work. Suddenly, in a vacant lot, a few meters in front of them, they saw a strange creature, crouched by a concrete wall. Its appearance was terrifying. It was about one and a half meters tall, its skin was dark brown and seemed oily. Its head was large, with three cone-shaped protrusions on it, and its eyes emitted a red light. The girls decided that it was the devil. There was a police squad nearby. After listening to the story of the terrified girls, the police went to intercept it.

The red-eyed creature, limping, tried to cross the road. One of the policemen touched the body of the “devil” with his bare hand, for which he paid. Three weeks later, he fell ill. The doctors were unable to make a diagnosis. The policeman died of a mysterious infection. The mysterious creature was taken to the hospital’s surgical department. They tried to operate on the “patient’s” broken lower limb, and most importantly, they began to examine him thoroughly. However, the results of the studies were not available to the general public, because the military, who always react to extreme situations with lightning speed, immediately became interested in this incident. The army authorities vetoed the information. And ufologists were left to be satisfied with only crumbs that leaked through the curtains of secrecy.



It happened one night in May 1995. Around half past three in the morning, Jim Sparks, a landowner living in a small town in Northern California, was awakened by a strange sound. Resembling a low-frequency buzz, it gradually turned into a deafeningly loud howl. Jim realized with horror that he was paralyzed, and he could not move either his arms or legs. His body rose above the bed and floated toward the wall, which was becoming transparent before his eyes. When Sparks realized that he was passing through the wall, he lost consciousness. Jim came to when his body slowly descended onto the territory of an abandoned amusement park. The fear passed. He even liked the feeling of his body flying through the air.

Having landed, Sparks saw that tall humanoid creatures were standing in a semicircle not far from him.

The aliens entered into telepathic communication with Jim. And it seemed to him that all those standing were directing their thoughts to the elder. Communicating with Sparks mentally, the elder alien said that their civilization had long been in contact with the governments of some countries and the leadership of the security forces. As a result, they managed to reach certain agreements that are kept secret from the population, since, according to the leadership, most of the population is not ready to tell them the truth. In particular, an agreement was reached with the governments of several countries to improve the environmental situation on the planet, using alien technologies provided to them, but they violated this agreement. That is why the aliens began to turn to ordinary people.

According to the alien, the air, soil and water of the Earth are already so poisoned that several breaks have formed in the human food chain. The planet is overpopulated to a critical level. But there are other ways to provide the population with food and energy. And without harming the environment. The governments of some countries are familiar with these technologies, but they are not taking any action.

At the end of the conversation, the alien said that in the near future the population of the Earth will receive more information. After the conversation was over, Jim asked the aliens to show him their true appearance. The aliens warned that their true appearance could scare Sparks, but he insisted on his own.

A glowing spot of a greenish hue appeared in the air next to the aliens, which gradually became brighter and brighter. It illuminated the enormous growth of creatures whose bodies were covered with powerful muscles. Their heads resembled snakes. These were representatives of the so-called reptilian civilization. The diamond-shaped eyes glowed with red pupils. Sparks was well aware that if he started trumpeting to the whole world about what the aliens had told him, he would simply be locked up in a mental hospital. That is why he turned to the American writer and journalist, ufologist Linda Moulton Howe for help. It was thanks to Linda that the story received wide publicity.



An alien was spotted in the Sonoran Desert. The friends were on their usual 24-hour route and decided to stop halfway to relieve themselves. At that moment, they saw a strange, very thin creature, 6 feet tall, with an unsteady, slouching gait. moving along the path.

The further description of the humanoid is simply shocking. Stopping and staring at one of the cyclists, he allowed himself to be examined. Eyes similar to a snake, with a yellow-black stripe in the middle, red and green lines along the length of the face, facial skin as if created from sand. The reptilian had no nose, only 2 black depressions.



While I was lying exhausted in a dry riverbed, a human figure in a long dark brown robe, like a hooded robe, came up to me. I could tell it was a woman because the outline of her chest was visible. She sat down next to me, half turned. There were some tools she was working with lying nearby. I could barely turn my head and get a better look at them.

Her image was photographically imprinted in my memory. Her face was similar to a human’s, but she had large red-orange eyes with a vertical pupil, her skin was dark, greenish, her hands were the same color with thin long fingers, her nose on her face was flat and unnoticeable. When she noticed that I was conscious and looking at her, I don’t know what happened, but I seemed to fall into darkness, as if I had been turned off.

When I woke up in the morning, I was surprised to feel a lot of strength in myself to go on. I didn’t know what kind of creature it was, but it saved my life. I walked along the path until I reached people, where I was helped. My friend who lived in the area warned me about going to these places, he said that many bad things happened there in the old days.



Meeting at the Swamp On the night of June 29-30, 1988, a young black man named Christopher Davis was returning home from work in his Toyota Celica. Not far from the Scape Or Swamp, he had a flat tire. He had to stop and repair it. When the job was done and Christopher had put the jack in the trunk, he suddenly heard a terrible noise. Turning around, he saw a terrible creature with glowing red eyes running towards him across the field at full speed, resembling a huge lizard, and at the same time a man. The disgusting green monster was clearly going to attack the seventeen-year-old boy, but he managed to jump into the car and slam the door in the lizard man’s face. Davis stepped on the gas, but the enraged monster managed to jump onto the roof of the Toyota.

Christopher kept increasing the speed, but the rumble was still heard on the roof. The young man abruptly turned the car to the right, and the monster fell to the ground. After the fall, the lizard man, apparently, still tried to pursue the car, but he was unable to catch up with the car.

The terrible summer of 1988 According to the descriptions made by people who happened to see this monster, its height is more than two meters, its skin is green and scaly, on its hands and feet there are three fingers with black claws about ten centimeters long. Large eyes glow red in the dark. The creature has phenomenal strength. The strange green monster attacked pets, damaged parked cars. When teenagers Rodney Rolfe and Shane Stokes with their girlfriends were driving past a swamp, a lizard man ran right in front of them. In broad daylight, at 12:30, Edward and Michelle Bryan, returning from a trip to Elmore Monastery, almost collided with a huge bipedal creature on the road. George Hollomon claimed that the monster attacked him when he was getting water from a well. When George told his older brother about the lizard man, he kept demanding that he shut up, Hollomon Jr., shocked, could not shut up. All this could hardly be a prank and looked very serious. Two weeks after the monster attacked Christopher Davis, the police managed to get casts of the monster’s feet imprinted on the soil.

The three-toed tracks reached 38 centimeters in length. Johnny Evans, head of the South Carolina Department of Water Resources, was unable to identify the mysterious creature by the tracks. “Most likely,” Evans explained, “it is either a mutant lizard or a creature that has not yet been encountered by modern science.”



I, Ole K. from Sweden, officially certify that this interview is absolutely true information. There is no point in me deceiving. I was also skeptical like 99% of ordinary people and also thought that this was fantasy and inventions of my friend, who periodically told me about his contacts with an alien – and a female one at that – I simply did not believe him and laughed. Until December 16th in a city in the south of Sweden, I saw a real non-human in a small house. This is a fact!

These are parts of the deciphered transcript of the interview that I took with the female reptilian alien – Lacerta.

(Excerpts from the Interview)


Question: First of all – who are you? Are you really an earth species or are you of extraterrestrial origin?

Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, I am not a human (!) like you, and to be completely honest – I am not a mammal – despite my partially mammal-like features of the body organs, which are the result of some kind of evolution. I am a female reptile, belonging to a very old race of reptiles (saurians).

We are natural earthlings, and we have lived on this planet for millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of the ancient human races knew our presence and some worshiped us, such as the Egyptians and the Incas and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misinterpreted our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as the “evil snake” in human documents.

If you are asking me if I am an extraterrestrial – then I must answer – no. We are natural earthlings. We had and have some colonies in the solar system, but we originate from this planet.


Question: What is your task? Do you have a “job” like us?

Answer: Yes, in your words: I am a student of social behavior of your species (a student of xenobiology).

That is why I am here and talking to you, that is why I have revealed my real nature of existence to your friend and now to you, and that is why I am giving you all that is also classified information and why I will try to answer all questions honestly.


Question: Can you give me a short answer now: Are UFOs (UFOs) really flying “objects” controlled by aliens or do they belong to your species?

Answer: Some of the observed UFOs – as you call them – belong to us, but most do not.

The least of the observed objects-modules actually belong to us, because we are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere, and we have special ways of camouflaging our aircraft.

If you are reading a report about a metallic bright grey cigar shaped cylindrical object with lights, at a height between 20 and 260 of your meters, and if this object made a very deep buzzing sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metallic surface of the cigar (one on top, one in the middle, two at the end) – then it is likely that some of you have seen one of our ships.


Question: Do you have a special identification symbol by which we can identify your species?

Answer: Another symbol, which is mystical, you would call the “Dragon” – in the form of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. This symbol is much more well known today.

Question: These seven stars in the second symbol you mentioned – do they represent the Pleiades?

Answer: The Pleiades? These seven stars are the planets and moons, and they are a symbol of our former seven colonies in the solar system. The stars are shown on a blue background, and the dragon circle represents the shape of the Earth. The seven white stars represent the Moon, Mars, Venus and the 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn, we colonized them in the past. Two colonies are no longer in use and were abandoned due to a war with another race of aliens, so depicting 5 stars would be more correct.


Question: Since you did not allow me to take photographs – which would be very useful to prove your real existence, and the truth of this story – can you describe yourself in more detail?

I can also try to describe myself, but I doubt that other representatives of your species will be able to imagine my real appearance based on ordinary words, because there is an automatic denial of the existence of a reptilian species and any other intelligent species, while your own opinion is part of the programming of your opinion.

Imagine the body of a normal human woman. Like you, I have a head, two arms, two legs – supports of two feet in length, and the dimensions of my body are similar to yours.

Because I am female, I also have two breasts. Despite our origin – reptilians, we began to give milk to our babies during the development process – this happened about 30 million years ago – because it is the best thing.

My skin is mostly green-beige – a paler green – and we have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot is 1 – 2 centimeters in size) on our skin and in our face – the patterns are different for both sexes, but women have more, especially in the lower part of the body and on the face.

You can see them in my case as two lines on the eyebrows crossing my forehead, on my cheek and on my chin. My eyes are much larger than human eyes – for this reason, we can see better in the dark.

We have external round ears, but they are smaller and not as curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive to sounds – we can hear a wider range of sound frequencies.

Our lips are shaped like yours – women have more than men, but are pale brown. Our teeth are very white and strong and a little longer and sharper than your mammal teeth.

We do not have any different hair colours like your species (but there is a tradition to dye hair at different ages) in the original colour – like mine – greenish-brown.

Our five fingers are slightly longer and thinner than human fingers. Our palm skin is plain, so we have no lines like you, but the base is a combination of skin structure and brown dots, both sexes have dots on the palm, and we have no fingerprints like you.

If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin.

The next feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the back of my body, you will feel a hard bony line.

This is not my spine, but a very strong shaped outer structure of skin and tissue located on top of our spine from top to bottom.

There are an extremely large number of nerve endings and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates – this is the reason why we always get problems after sitting on your chairs – like those in this house.

The main function of these little plates is simply to regulate our body temperature and if we sit under natural or artificial sunlight these plates become more blood-active and the vessels become wider. Therefore the sun can heat our reptilian blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) to raise the skin temperature, which gives us great pleasure.

How else are we different from your kind? Oh, we have no navel because we were born in a different way to your mammalian birth. Other external differences from your kind are minor and I think I should not mention all now because most of them are not visible if we wear clothes.

I hope that the description of my body was detailed enough.


Question: What do you eat?

Answer: Generally different foods like you: meat, fruits, vegetables, special types of mushroom (from underground farms) and other foods.

The main difference between you and us is that we must eat meat because our bodies need proteins. We cannot live as complete vegetarians like your species because our bodies would stop working and we would die after a few weeks or perhaps months without meat.

Many of us eat raw meat and other foods that would be disgusting to you. Personally, I prefer cooked meat and fruits from the surface of the earth, like apples or oranges.


Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and evolution of your species? How old is your species? Did you evolve from primitive reptiles?

Answer: Oh, it is a very long and complicated story, and it certainly sounds incredible to you, but it is true. I will try to explain it briefly. About 65 million years ago, many of our old ancestors from the dinosaur race died in a great global cataclysm.

The nuclear winter ended after 200 years. Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish (like sharks), birds, some creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles, and there was a special kind of small but slightly advanced dinosaurs that evolved together with the last big animals of the reptilian species.

This new reptile walked on two legs and looked like your Iguanodon (it originated in this family), but smaller (about 1.50 meters in height) with some humanoid features – a modified bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb that was able to grasp things, a different organism from the previous one, more developed eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes, and most importantly – a brain with a new and better structure. This was our direct ancestor. Over millions of years, our species evolved and improved.

About 10 million years ago, our development almost stopped (in fact, there were some minor changes in species, like most humanoid and similar mammals, appearing over the generations).

You see, we are a very old race compared to your species. Which then existed in ape-like form, living in trees at the time when we invented technology, colonized other planets in this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace in the centuries) and designed our own genes while your genes were still at the animal stage.


About a few hundred thousand years ago, another extraterrestrial species reached Earth. And it would be even more surprising if you knew how many different species are here today. The interest of this humanoid species – you call them Elohim or (Tall white aliens) – was not raw materials or copper. They were, to our surprise, advanced humanoid apes.

Despite our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to “help” you evolve a little faster by making you like themselves.

The fate of your species was not really important to us, but we did not like the presence of the “Elohim” on our planet, and they did not like our presence on their new “galactic menagerie”. So, your sixth and seventh variants, created by them, were the reason for the war between us and them. You can read about that war, for example, partly in the book you call “the Bible”, but it is described in a very strange way.

Questioner: No, not now. I have made some notes about your history, and now I would like to ask some questions.

Answer: Please ask.

Question: First of all, you are talking about a very large time scale. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs. Also, your evolution began more than 30 million years ago, and was finished 10 million years ago. This sounds very incredible to me. Can you say something about this?

Answer: I understand that this must seem absolutely incredible to you, because you are a young and genetically engineered species. Your historical horizon ends at a scale of only a few thousand years, and you think that this is correct. But it is not.

Your programmed opinion is obviously not capable of operating with such large time scales. Our time of evolution may seem incredibly long to you, but this is actually the original path of nature. And they evolved slowly over the next millions of years. They are divided into different varieties and shapes, some of them larger, others smaller.

This is the development of the body. But what about their intelligence? They were simple animals. Mammals have evolved since then – we cannot speak of 150 million years, but only of the last 2 – 3 million years, during which they were able to become intelligent and reflective.

Think about it, within this short period of time, creatures like you could have been created by nature? 148 million years are needed to develop animals like you – mammals. And 2 million years of this time to develop (more or less) intelligent creatures like you?!

Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated development is natural? Then your species is even more ignorant than I thought. It was not we who developed incorrectly, but you.


Question: You sometimes talk about underground cities and artificial sunlight. Do you mean something like a “Hollow Earth”? Is there a second sun inside our planet?

Answer: No, the Earth is not completely hollow and there is no second sun inside. This story is false and physically impossible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to believe it.) Do you know how much mass the sun must have to produce energy and light for any length of time? Do you really think that there could be a small active sun inside the planet?

When I talk about our underground home, I am talking about large cave systems. The caves you have discovered close to the surface are tiny compared to real caves and huge caverns deep inside the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

The main areas of our caves are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. When I speak of artificial sunlight in our cities, I do not mean the real sun, but various technological light sources (including gravity sources) that illuminate the caves and tunnels.

There are special areas of caves and tunnels with strong UV light in each city, and we use them to heat our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunny places on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces – near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you must look for it (but I would advise you not to do this.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to a large lake, but I doubt you could find it (there are only a few entrances in this part of the world – more – many more to the north and east.)

As a little advice: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks like an artificial shaft, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depth, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find special kind of artificial things; also – if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal, somewhere in the cave – you could try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you got underground in an ordinary kind of technical room with ventilation systems and lifts into the depth – then this is – probably – the entrance to our world;

If you have reached this place, you should know that we are now aware of your location and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you entered the round room, you should look for one of the two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, you are probably in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground facility belongs to our species.

Some of the new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in an underground facility that is strange to you is to run as fast as you can.


Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name “Lasserta” when you are among humans and that you like to be in the real sun on the surface of the earth. But how can you be among humans? You do not resemble us, so anyone will see that you belong to another species. Why has no one seen and described the emergence of beings like you, if your species has been living, since our “creation,” together with us on the same planet. Can you explain this to me?

Answer: First, my species was certainly seen and described (and many times) in your primitive past, for example in your religious books, like the Christian Bible. You can find descriptions, and even simple drawings of our species also in the southern part of the American continent on various temples.

The so-called “wise” people from India and the Asian mountains have described our species many times in letters, along with other “wise” people from the African continent. I think that we are the most mentioned non-human species (possibly also as “Elohim”) in your history. If you do not believe me, look at your history, and you will see the truth in my words. Your “big” scientists called our description “superstition” and “religion” and today “intelligent” people have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past.

Also, our species is seen even today by human means of observing the surface in our original form on earth, or on our surface – near entrances and tunnel systems. But fortunately, you and your media do not take such reports seriously (this is good for us, and this is the reason why we allow people to see us in reality.)


Some of my kind are also in direct contact with human scientists and politicians on the surface, but this is top secret – as many would say – and none of your public knows anything serious about it. But there is also another explanation why we can be among you and you are not able to recognize us. It is mimicry.

The following may again sound incredible and even disgusting to you, but since you asked, I will not hurt you with this. I told you before that we are more developed mentally than your kind, and by “more developed” I mean that we are able to use telepathy and telekinesis from our birth (in fact, mother and newborn child communicate telepathically during the first months) without special training. You can and need to develop telepathy and telekinesis by activating the dormant parts of your brain.

Our brain structure is slightly different from yours, and our pituitary gland is larger and more active than yours. Especially when we are in sunlight. Our own abilities are very strong compared to yours, but weak compared to the consciousness powers of some other alien species. I have never had a good opinion of this state of affairs, but we all have these primordial abilities and can use them, for example, for our defense or even for attack.

When we are on the surface, and meet people (even a large group – it does not really matter, all your minds are like one consciousness) we are able to “touch” their consciousness and stimulate them through telepathy, with the command “See us as one of your kind” and the weak human consciousness will accept this order without discussion, and they will see us (despite our reptilian appearance) as normal people.

I have done this many times with you too, weak people generally see me as an attractive brunette woman because I created this special “mimicry image” a long time ago and I can instill it into your minds without problems.


Question: How do you appear in photographs?

Answer: This is a stupid question. I appear in photographs as a true reptile because I cannot influence the photograph or the camera itself, but only the opinions of the photographers. If he or she were to make a film and show the photographs to others, they would see me in my original form.

This is the reason why it is forbidden for our kind to be filmed or photographed, and we must avoid every camera on the surface (which is very difficult, and we have been filmed sometimes in the past without our knowledge, especially by some of your government and secret services).


Question: What other commands can your kind induce into our minds? Something like “Serve you” or “Obey”?

Answer: This is again a strange question. We are not your enemies (most of us), so why should we do this? To answer your question: it is fear of human opinion and that reptilian hostility. There is no one who “Serves us”, or “Serves me”. Such a command is much harder to instill.

If human consciousness and community opinions are weak, and the reptilian has experience in these things, and also spends several hours in the sun before he or she tries it, then it could probably work for a while. There is secret teaching about such things, but I have never learned anything about it. I use my primal abilities for mimicry and for communication with my own kind – and sometimes for other private things, but I have never used it to harm people or their consciousness.
It would be best for me if we end our dialogue with this topic.


Question: Last question. You said earlier that you can hide your UFOs? Do you use the same abilities to do this?

Answer: Yes, but on a technical basis. There is a powerful device inside each ship that can send an artificial signal to your minds to convince you that you are seeing something, or only the sky, or that you are seeing a normal aircraft, like your aircraft, instead of our ships. This is not used often, because we avoid the human public when moving in the atmosphere.

If you are able to see our “UFOs”, it means that the device has been damaged, or deactivated for some reason. The camouflage effect does not work on photographs – to answer this possible question of yours already in advance – that is why if someone takes a photo of the sky, he can see something unusual there.

By the way, most of the surfaces near the entrance indicating our tunnels are also hidden with such a device, and you will see only normal cave walls instead of a door. This is one of the reasons why I said I doubt you will be able to find such a secret door to our world (although it has happened several times in the past.)


Question: Back to your history and ours, actually. You mentioned the race of “Elohim”, those who created our human race. Where are they from, where do they arrive, and how are they referred to? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our “God”?

Answer: Yes. The “Illojiim” (Elohim) came from this universe, from the solar system you call “Aldebaran” on your maps. They were a very highly evolved humanoid species – usually had very light blond hair and very white skin (they avoided sunlight because it damaged their skin and their eyes (this was absolutely unbelievable for us, who love the sun). They seemed to be intelligent and peaceful at first, and we began to maintain more or less friendly relations with them.

But later they revealed their real intentions and plans: they wanted to develop a new breed of “monkeys”, and we were alarmed by their plans to create their new “zoo planet”. At first, they captured 10,000 or perhaps even 20,000 of your simian ancestors, and were absent from the planet for several hundred years. When they returned, they brought (now a larger number) of your ancestors back.

After that, they left Earth again for several thousand years, and the primitive ancestors of humans lived together with us without any problems (they were only afraid of our ships and technology). The Illojiim had access to their consciousness and enlarged their brains. They changed their body structure and they were now able to use tools and fire.

The Illojiim came seven times and accelerated the speed of development of some of your species. You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. The first more advanced humans (who lived at the same time with the less advanced ancestors of humans because the Illojiim experimented with different speeds and stages of development) with technology and speech, existed about 700,000 years ago on this planet.

This genetically advanced human species lived with us, but they avoided contact with my species because the Illojiim teachers warned them with misleading intent that we were evil beings and that we were subordinate to them.

After several centuries, the aliens’ interest in their first creation was withdrawn, and they accelerated the evolution of the second and better test species, and so on and so forth. It is also true that your modern human civilization is not the first on this planet Earth, but already the seventh.

The last creation of the seventh civilization of your series was started only 8,500 years ago, and this is the only creation that you can remember and to which your religious letters refer. You rely on archaeological and paleontological forgeries that show you an incorrect and short past. But how do you know anything about these six civilizations before?

And if you find evidence of their existence, you deny and distort the facts. This is partly the programming of your consciousness and partly pure ignorance. I will inform you further only about your seventh creations, because the six previous humanity is lost, and therefore they should not concern you.

There was a long war between us and the “Illojiim”. The last battles in this war were fought about 5,000 years ago in orbit and on the surface. The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface installations and bases in their place. The people of your kind were very frightened when they watched these battles, and they wrote it down in the form of religious myths (their consciousness was not able to understand what was really happening).

The “Illojiim” – who appeared as “gods” to the sixth and seventh of your races – told them that this was a war between good and evil and that they were the good and we were the evil race. It depends, of course, on your point of view.

This was our planet before they arrived, and before they began their development project with your kind. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet.

Many of us have been in contact with some of the more southern tribes of your species for many centuries, and we have been able to convince some of them that we are not “Evil,” but the aliens did not want them to believe that.

Your current civilization does not know anything about your real origins and your real past and your real world and universe. And you know very little about us and our past. And you know nothing about the events that will happen in the near future. Until you understand and believe my words.


Question: How many alien races are active on Earth at the present time?

Answer: As far as we know, 14 species. 11 from this universe, 2 from another “bubble,” and 1 very advanced species from a very different universe from ours.


Question: What do you mean by “one species came from a very different Universe than ours”?

Answer: Before I can begin to explain what is correct for you, you must understand the universe, and that would mean, perhaps uselessly, training your consciousness (including removing some barriers) for many weeks and in combination with training not only in words. I said this with your word “field” or “level” because, again, there is no better word in your vocabulary. And dimension would be completely wrong in this case (it is quite wrong even for another “bubble”) because dimension cannot exist without fields.

If you were a species living in another field or level and if you were furthermore able to enter that field without technology so that your body would transform into one of those types of matter, you know, then you would be the most powerful being alive. This highly advanced race that I mentioned did not evolve here, and in fact they have evolved over billions of years.

They could destroy all of you and us with just one single thought. We have only been in contact with them 3 times in our entire history, because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. They pose no danger to you or us.

Question: What would happen if a war with them began?

Answer: This is difficult to answer. It depends on the enemy race and their tactics. “War” is not always the primitive events that you imagine, “War” can be fought on many different levels.

One possibility they may use is to “destroy” your social system by influencing political leaders, another is to use powerful weapons systems that can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, or other disasters (including weather disasters) that may seem natural to you.

The copper alloy – which I mentioned earlier – has special fields that can influence your weather in the world. I think that they will not directly attack the planet before the human civilization is weakened, because even you have the ability to destroy their technology (but not many). I am not allowed to say that we are absolutely sure whether such a war will actually happen in the next few years. I do not want to talk about it further.


Question: This is the end of the interview. Do you have anything to say?

Answer: Open your eyes and see. Do not believe only your false history or your scientists or your politicians. Some of them know the truth about various events, but they do not tell them to the public to avoid confusion and panic. I think that your species is not so bad – so thinks a part of my kind – and it would be a pity to see your end. That is all I can say. Go into your world with open eyes and you will see – or perhaps not. Your kind is not aware at all.

Question: Do you think that many will believe that this interview is true?

Answer: No, but it is an interesting experiment for my social studies.

Conversation with an alien from the race of Creators of humanity


QUESTION: The Second World War claimed 55 million killed and 35 million wounded. In addition, there are 5 million missing, who are probably also dead. Was it permissible to allow such a sacrifice, if you are Missionaries of Peace and have the power to defeat the earthly powers that be?

ASHTAR: This question is posed from your point of view. From our point of view, everything looks completely different…
We are studying the reasons for this immaturity. Whether a person dies sooner or later, whether he perishes in a war or becomes a victim of a catastrophe – this is immaterial. You do not yet know that death does not exist and after the loss of the material body, the spiritual world and the world of retribution for sins await you.

Therefore, we see no reason to delay or prevent the total destruction of all mankind.

But we have an enemy and he would be very happy if he could destroy part of our creation. For him, it would be a victory. Most likely, this is the reason for us to prevent the global destruction of the Earth. But the main thing is the intention to ennoble earthly humanity with the help of detailed explanations and thereby confirm the purpose of the Earth. Earthly life should serve not only material development, but also make people more mature spiritually. This maturity can never be achieved with the help of successful atheism or false pious vanity.

Of the 55 million people who lost their lives in the World War, almost 54 million did not find any purification of their souls. They went into a world of retribution, not pleasure.

They had learned to fight, they had learned the language and they had some knowledge of science and technology. Only religion remained completely unclear to them. If these 54 million war victims had remained alive, hardly anything would have changed qualitatively in terms of spiritual purification.

If we assume that the war took 2 billion human lives, then almost 2 billion would have gone to the world of retribution, you call it Hell. But the same situation remains when these people die gradually, naturally.

The Americans have proven that they are also guilty of impudence, and they are no exception in this regard. The first test of the atomic bomb proved that they are risking the good of the Earth. The atomic bomb dropped on the civilian population of Japan is further proof that any means are good if it serves the end. Although the Americans do not profess communism, in many cases they act in exactly the same way.
Democracy is a perception of life for which there is still no maturity in society. And communism is not yet ready to be truly communism; the peoples are not yet at all ready for this… (Read)


P.S.: Based on my own observations and studying many stories of other people, a certain picture of the world is emerging. In which our Creators have recaptured planet Earth from the reptilian civilization and there is now a cold war between them. It is important for our Creators that we learn the whole truth as late as possible and live separately and develop in our own way, be unique with our own culture and identity. It is also beneficial for their reptilian opponents to hide their existence. This is one of their advantages over us. The reptilians took control of the world elite several hundred years ago. Now they control the governments of many countries, banks, media, secret societies with satanic cults, royal families. Their task is to reduce the population of the Earth to a minimum in various ways: wars, viruses, economic problems, cataclysms, same-sex marriages, they also destabilize countries for the third world nuclear war. Unfortunately, people are weak and everything is going according to their scenario. We cannot do without the help of alien Creators. Our Creators will have to reveal the truth to people ahead of time.

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