Eyewitness said that Paradise is located near Saturn and Scientists have discovered an unknown anomaly behind Saturn


1. Scientists have discovered an unknown anomaly beyond Saturn

2. Astronomers: Humanoids live near Saturn

3. Eyewitness story who visited the alien ship near Saturn

1. Scientists have discovered an unknown anomaly beyond Saturn

From 2013 to 2015, scientists were interested in suspicious activity in the Saturn area. The thing is that telescopes sensed interference that was covered by the huge Saturn, but the radiation from the object was colossal.

The first option was the presence of strange radiation from Saturn itself, which could not be previously established, because the planet was observed by the Keck Observatory, which at that time was checking new devices for monitoring the Solar System.

The second option for the emergence of strange waves behind Saturn was the hypothesis of an impressive black hole behind the visible region of the planet. This option came to scientists in 2015, when the emerging waves were fully studied.

Three years later, in 2018, scientists said that the object had increased in size several times, and it also began to affect the matter surrounding Saturn, which began to behave strangely. In conclusion, the Keck Observatory website reported that research had shown a black hole in the region of Saturn, which is still moderately gaining mass without affecting the Solar System.

However, a week later, scientists from the University of Hawaii, who were observing this phenomenon from their observatory, asked the Keck Observatory not to rush to conclusions.

“Don’t rush to conclusions, perhaps an unknown anomaly has arisen behind Saturn. If the theory about a giant black hole behind Saturn were confirmed, we would be responsible for millions of worried Earthlings,” say representatives of the Hawaiian Institute.

The object behind Saturn hides itself well and has not yet decided to reveal itself. However, the huge jump in its growth makes scientists wonder what will come out of this object in 10-40 years.

2. Astronomers: Humanoids live near Saturn

The scientific world has released video footage from the Cassini space probe, which recorded an object of unknown origin.

An “unexplained glitch” on the rings of Saturn was captured shortly before the NASA spacecraft burned up in the planet’s atmosphere, writes Segnidalcielo.it. The object, which astronomers have named “Peggy”, has become one of the mysteries that has yet to be solved. The object was first discovered by Carl Murray, an astronomer at Queen Mary University in London.

Murray noticed a strange and new glide in the rings in 2013. Since then, astronomers have studied the data and images sent by Cassini to get as much information as possible about the possible anomalous satellites. Experts have not yet been able to figure out what it is. However, according to experts, “Peggy” may be extremely large and cigar-shaped.

Carl Murray previously told BBC News:

– When Cassini left the edge of the ring in early 2016, we went back to where Peggy might have been. We found it then and have been tracking it ever since.

To find out more about the mystery object, Murray analysed the data sent back by Cassini in its final frames just before entering Saturn. But, strangely, Peggy was not found. Nor was the location where it was hiding.

UFO enthusiasts say Peggy is an alien craft, like many others that hide in Saturn’s rings. And Saturn has often been the focus of sightings of huge spacecraft seen and photographed near Saturn.

3. Eyewitness story who visited the alien ship near Saturn

This story was told to me by a girl I met on vacation. I am an amateur astronomer and I told her what planets I saw through a telescope. She said that she saw Saturn at a very close distance when it was taken by aliens. I thought she was joking, but I listened to the end. Later I asked her to repeat this story and write in a messenger.

Her story:

That day I was with my parents in our village house in Vladimir region. It was 1:00 AM and my parents were getting ready to go to bed. I looked out the window and saw a strange, white-glowing ball in the night sky. It was slowly floating across the sky in one direction, then stopped and rose up a little. I realized that it was something inexplicable and maybe I was lucky enough to see UFO. I ran to my parents, persuading them to go out and look at the strange ball in the sky. They were not interested, they said that it was probably a helicopter.

I left the house and went through the gate. In front of our house there was the small forest and behind it fields. The ball was hanging over the field about a kilometer away from us. I was consumed with curiosity.
I looked up at the glowing ball and walked towards it. It did not move, it seemed to me that I was being watched. I could not even imagine what would happen next. The ball fell to the ground and the glow went away, it was a metallic-colored round object.

A figure came out from the other side of the sphere, two arms, two legs, like a human. I came closer and already saw him in more detail: a tall man with very white skin and blue eyes, long, white hair. He spoke to me without even opening his mouth, but in my head I heard clear speech. I was offered a ride on this small ship to a larger one, on which we would fly into space. The alien said that they would share with me voluminous and important information and return me in a few hours. I agreed.

It wasn’t very spacious inside. I saw the large screen and buttons on the control panel. We flew there very quickly, I was just starting to look at everything. I was especially surprised by the alien, who looked so much like a human, only his skin was shining white. We left the ball, I saw other spherical flying machines, then we walked along the corridors and came out into a large round room with portholes along the perimeter. There were many of the same alien people there, with the same white skin and blue eyes. Clouds were visible in the portholes, and it was clear that we were moving, although it was not felt. While we were flying, I sat at the large screen and received information. There was so much of it, you can’t describe it in a few words. I will write a separate article about it.

In general, these alien people created us, humanity. And they met with people for several thousand years and still do. I am not the only one to whom they pass this information in our time. Looking at their external resemblance to people, I believed them. The alien who was standing next to me said that we were there. And there will be the next part of the knowledge that I must see. I felt that some force was lifting me up, I started to spin and noticed that my body was still down. A new alien appeared in the room, whom I had not seen. He was white and slightly glowing like a spirit, my body was the same. He said that he would accompany me.

He took my hand and we flew very fast, through the walls of the spaceship. We found ourselves in space. I have never seen so many stars. And Saturn! Saturn was on the right, very big.
The guide said that we were flying at a very fast speed, but not as fast as if a person’s soul was flying from Earth. This was necessary so that I could see everything well. And at such a high speed, I would not even see the stars. It would probably look like hyperdrive in science fiction films about space. We were moving into the shadow part of Saturn. There was a huge object there, the size of a planet, glowing with white light. It was incredibly beautiful. We were flying there. Having flown very close to the object, something clicked and we were pulled into an opening, everything was white, another click and we were pushed into an unusual place.

We were standing on a hill, in the distance there was a metropolis, above us was the sky, I turned around and behind me was a glowing wall the color of the sky. I asked the guide if this world had many floors, since from afar the object seemed huge. He said that there were many. The colors there were very bright, like in a cartoon, there were no shadows, everything glowed a little. Very beautiful! He said that we would go into the city, reach the park. While we were walking, he told me that their alien civilization, which created people, also created this world. All the people who were born on Earth live here. I looked at the streets, houses, everywhere was clean and beautiful, crowded. We reached the park, it was very large, in the distance I saw mountains, large lakes in which people were swimming. The water in the lake was crystal clear, blue, glowing from the inside and sparkling on the surface, bright fish were swimming under the water.

We sat on the beach by the lake. He said that in the next few years, a plan to prepare for the disclosure of the truth would begin to be implemented. Before people are informed about a friendly alien race and they come into contact with people, we must be ready. People will have to believe in a higher divine power. For some time before their arrival, millions of people will be spoken to every day in the name of God, prepared employees of this world, sending them the energy of love, kindness, telling them about the creator, eternal life. Some will be given the opportunity to communicate with deceased loved ones. He said that there will be no one left who will not know about the existence of the Divine civilization, Heaven and Hell.

Then people will be ready and their opponents will not be able to do anything about it. They hoped that we ourselves would find ways to see subtle etheric bodies, invisible to the human eye, the world in space called Paradise. These would be the greatest discoveries. But we will have to speed up and reveal the truth earlier. Because, the governments of some countries, led by the evil forces of their opponents, are trying to rock humanity to the third world nuclear war.
When they come, the whole truth about the actions of many influential people in politics, show business and more will be revealed to people. The biggest sinners will be removed from the Earth, many other sinners will be engaged in improving the ecology and cleaning up the consequences of human activity on Earth. The world’s financial system will change, medicine will soar to the fantastic level, new energy sources will be discovered and transport will become much more economical and environmentally friendly, flights between countries will be fast and cheap. Tourism will develop and new cities will be built. There will be more justice and safety in society.

When we returned and I woke up in my body again, the ship was moving at high speed towards Earth. I looked out the window at the stars, saw the blue horizon of our planet as we flew up. I was returned to the same place where I was taken.

P.S. Amateur-astronomers, scientists, explore this anomalous zone beyond Saturn in more detail. It would be the sensational discovery!

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